No room for Hindu fanaticism : MJM or Humanity awakening forum


MJM condemns Hindu fanatics.
MJM condemns the barbarous act of rape and murder of pregnant Muslim woman along with other 96 people killed at Naroda in 2002 Gujrath riots. The key accused have been convicted by the court and declared to be found guilty. It is shameful that they come from BJP & VHP.
 Mothe Maharaj alias Ch. Shivaji Maharaj never allowed innocent Muslims being killed at nooks and corners. He forced soldiers to send back the daughter in law of Subhedar of Kalyan, a Muslim ruler; whom they had fetched to raja as a gift.
We should see that we never keep room for fanatic acts on our minds and solemnly condemn such thoughts. Lord Krishna asked Arjuna to fight in the battle and put an end to misrule of Kauravas. It would be just to fight a battle with Pakistan if it comes to. But that is not the case here; some fanatics are taking up law and order in their hands and killing innocents. This will lead to communal hatred to increase and create anarchy. Gujrathis had better asked for justice to those Karsevaks killed in Godhra train burning case. 
MJM or HAF has already been on streets against the similar barbarous acts by muslims in Kashmir.
Inhumanity of both sides should be protested; that is why MJM is working inspite of having a small organizational strength.


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