Broncho Pneumonia an Ayurvedic treatment of success

Mrs. T age 60 suffered from cough since july last
Initially she suffered from dry cough which was
translated into vigorous coughing and
running nose.
After some symtomatic relief ,
she complained of heaviness in chest along with vizzing
in the chest which was heard when examined by stethoscope.
She got relief after some medication.
the disease re occurred intermittently to flare up last
Month. The cough expectoration this time was
enormous along with all previous symptoms.
She suffered from shoulder pain and feeling of fever,
the eyes had burning sensation this went on for 2 weeks
We went on for X ray investigation which threw light on it :
reports of X ray :
old scarring in left upper lobe ? Old coch's, bronchopneumonia
lesions in right lung, right hilar adenopathy.
After changing the medicines from treating just as kas vyadhi we changed the line of treatment so as to address the pnumonia;
the patient responded within 3 days followed
by complete recovery in 15 days with no viz zing sound in chest !
Tip for ayurvedic doctors: it was treated on the lines of
shwas rather than kas with predominant  kaf dosh along with dusht vat.
No panchakarm was done. Patient was kept in
warm separate room, cold type of food and atmosphere [ ahar vihar ] was completely avoided.


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