Causes of Fever according to Ayurveda

Fever : causes mentioned in Ayurveda.


Fevers are considered to be one of the basic & very powerful diseases and have a long history in the human pathology. In ayurveda it is believed that fever appeared first on the earth due to anger of deity called rudra. We at our clinic do treat fevers succesfully. According to ayurveda basic reason of fever is the ama which is undigested food stored in the stomach. So indigestion is the root cause. Types of jwar \ fever are 8 in number according to vitiated doshas.Though the root cause is ama there are many causes in diet and lifestyle which cause the ama to be formed.Vataj jwar is caused by dry light food, excessive shodhan [ removal of doshas ] in panchakarmas. Excessive exercise or holding natural urges like defecation, hunger etc. Ama & vat vitiation may also be caused by not having food or by excessive sex act, let sleeping times. So in short, wrong lifestyle may lead to vitiation of vat dosha causing indigestion and ama.Pittaj jwar is caused by edibles which are hot sour salty in taste, by over eating, by work in very hot environment be it near fireplace or be moving out in hot sun, by anger or overwork.This vitiates pitt dosh and subsequently ama to cause fever.Kafjwar is caused by oily, heavy to digest, sweet, cold salty food, by sleeping in the afternoon. This by vitiating kafa causes fever.More serious fevers are caused by vitiated water, faulty panchakarmas, irregular & opposite diet consumption etc., by unhealthy pregnancies [child birth at unclean place etc.], improper care of newborns.You may be surprised by these reasons of fever as we know only infections are the causes of fevers. But one must keep on mind that unhealthy food & life style may always lead to lack of health lack of immunity and cause easy susceptibility to infections. We may ask a simple question; in an epidemic why all are not affected?


Some more reasons of fever are like this : injuries of various kinds cause fever. Stroke by weapon, stick etc. may cause fevers. When women starts her lactation to new born she has a little amount of fever. After pregnancy if you do not protect her from external forces like cold weather etc. she may get fever. For the newborn there is ceremony of pricking ear ; if it is done improperly fever is sure.

If you do not obey your teacher [ guru ] or the God you will get fever ! If the cycle of weather is disturbed as hot in winter or rainy season fevers affect many people. Worms, water infested by insects or any other impurities is harmful to cause fever. If one uses very cold water for his bath or drink it causes fever. Curds consumption in excess and without obeying its specific rules may cause fevers too. It should be properly prepared and should not be taken at night are important rules for it. People who do not care about their sleep succumb to fevers. Some sleep late, some sleep in the afternoon; these things are harmful. Common cold and chronic cold causes fever. Too much of sexual intercourse is also causative factor. Over eating eating heavy food, too much of sweet, sour, not eating at all are all fever causes. Rat bites, scorpion bite, snake bite, poisonous food etc.are dangerous fever causes.Tapping the ascetic fluid may also be causative factor. Excess feelings of sorrow & anger are causes. Excessive fomentation, oliation [ oiling ] are some more reasons of fever. So if one obeys rules of swasthavrutt,  kips fit & avoids the reasons above;  then fevers do not touch him easily. Great Vaidya Vagbhata says bal or body power [ + immunity ] is the base of health and the treatments are aimed at health !
My cases have some times failed to cure infection disease fever but many times it has worked wonders fast and list side effects of jwar mukti has taken place.We have nullified the post chiken gunya hazards to the patients too.


Unknown said…
Dear Dr Prasad

I admire your efforts to elaborate various causes of fever, but I noticed there are many lacunae in explanation because it is solely explained on the basis of classical text, one place you advocated the occurrence of fever associated with curse by Guru or God which is absolutely wrong, you should add more evidence based information to it.

With Regards

Dr Devendra S
Thx Dr Devendra,
In the age of fitness awareness these reasons regarding diet and swasthavrutt are also important.
Many reasons are directly found in our day today practice viz. cold weather,injury \ post pregnancy infections etc.
As far ' dev guru abhishapat va' is concerned it will be a long debate which we could go through some day over a cup of tea !

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