Thyroidism and ayurveda

A case of hypothyroidism fully under control after ayurvedic treatment
A female patient of 45 years with weight around 84 kg was suffering from hypothyroidism and was treated by thyroxin but was not at all under control. She presented with oedema on body and face with increasing weight day by day she would not be able to walk 200 meters or go upstairs as it would cause high rate of respiration [ trouble in breathing ] along with difficulty in monthly period with excessive bleeding.
Her pathological reports T3 T4 normal TSH 6.86 on 9\4\09 and 5.54 on 9\2\10. After an ayurvedic treatment for 1 year without taking thyroxin.And now after 1 year without any treatment she has :
T3 .88 T4 9.62 TSH 2.28
All reports normal along with full relief in all symptoms only thing is that she has neither lost much of weight nor gained it either.[ which was on fast upward movement earlier].


Diana Rose said…
My husband experienced many challenges from a salt free diet. Unluckily, bread is no longer a source of Iodine and instead depletes the little Iodine we do consume. He needed to take natural thyroid supplements to provide the dietary Iodine he needed.
Thanks Diana
I would like to know why is he on salt free diet?

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