Humanity audit

Have we checked for our humanity quotient anytime before?
should we go for our self audit for that matter ?
Here are some questions that one could ask himself
It is a rough sketch
Has my greed for things depleted last year?
Can I control my greeds better than last year?
Did I exploit others for my own benefits ?
Have I whole heartedly completed my duties to family and society during last year period?
Did I harras anybody physically or mentally for any reason last year ?
Am I a less jealous person than last year ?
Did I abuse anybody last year ?
Am I proud person for some of my achievements ?
Have I taken my family members for granted last year?
Have I taken undue advantage of being male [applicable to male members only ] last year ?
Have I taken undue advantage of my position last year ?
Have I changed my way of speaking towards softness last year ?
Have I been rough towards workers at home or workplace last year ?
Have I been loving the world better than last year ?
Have I smiled to anybody last year ?