Humanity 19 - what is humanity part 3
What is Humanity ?
Humanity is coded as behavior of being good human being.
He or she be like generous, loving, helping, being good to others person.
Humanity maybe hard work done for securing happiness to all.
But being social worker or hero is not essential parts of humanity life. You can live yourselves without doing social work but being good person and still you have humanity.
On the contrary Sometimes social workers are selfish and exploiters - they won't be called good Humans.
Humanity is thinking about others rather than just being selfish.
Humanity may also defined in No wala criterias. Not creating nuisance to others, not being reason for unhappiness to others and not creating trouble to others. That would also be sufficient !
Humanity in it's social referance asks for ending exploitation of anyone.
No suppression / oppression to weaker sections - Be it blacks, dalits, women or any historically exploited section of life.
It includes Behavior of equality to all.
It denies efforts to invade others, imparialism, grabing power personally or by group and also denies exploitation of subjects.
It denies exploitation, corruption. It denies Hitlers and Ravans of society.
It is in support of the punishment to killers of piece and prosperity. Punish invaders and villians of society. The punishment be through proper justice system and not random muscle power.
Humanity starts from our own self by correcting our own deeds in direction towards humanity.
Being better human should start from me myself and my family itself and then expanding it to the whole world.
It includes awkaening of others for the same.
Humanity is love, truth, kindness, prosperity, and peace .
Let us pledge for it now. Let us determine to spread it across the world; so as to bring happiness to all.
Thanks for reading.
It's possible through ' HUMANITY '
Here I narrate that path in very small abstract : Be good and do good to others. That's all about Humanity.
Don't harm others or exploits others for your or you group's or your country's selfish causes. Humanity acts are those in which a man or a woman will live his / her personal or public life without nuisance to others’ lives.
Details are narated in above link blog posts.
Hidden imperialism, Unethical, forceful or deceived Religion conversions, trying and pursuing to exploit and overpower others are worst factors hindering prosperity and peace.
1. Review thoughts of your religion.
Most of the religions we follow were founded thousands of year ago. The background of them was different at different times. So though they were found for peace and salvation; there have been many lacunae with respect to current time and situation. Sometimes extreme thoughts in them have caused blooded fights rather than peace. So all we need to do is dharm chikitsa ie. Review the thoughts of religious origins. Throw away wrongs and keep good ones which are helpfull to humanity, peace and happiness. Throw away me only / mine only and embarace live and let live policy for followers of all religions around us.
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2 : God teaches us to behave properly. Yeshu gave us 10 commandments. Yoga gave us 10 Yam Niyams. Jainism, buddhism, sikhism, islam taught us restrain on greed too.
So do all religious preaches.
Yeshu Christ was very very compassionate and merciful person.
So were ancient hindu sages who longed for happiness to all.
See in details what They guided us _
10 commandments of Bible are very much parallel to 5 Yam and 5 Niyams of Yoga.
Buddha also taught about control over sense organs by buddhi that is wise thoughts.
Holy Quran guided the practise of Tona in month of Ramjan; which calls for self control itself.
Jain paryushan parv also teaches the same.
And that Self control can help humanity in following uncontrolled habits like this :
Humans like enjoyment but too much of it becomes ultimately a cause of sorrow to us. That is why this controlled pattern is suggested by religions here.
They thus suggest control over organs and sit closer to almighty ( upavasa ) for that reason only.
Lust and Loss of self control leads to many inhuman things like this.
A. All Humans should be treated with respect and love irrespective of sex, age,cast, religion, economic condition, state, country etc. and no hate on basis of sex, age,cast, religion, economic condition, state, country etc.
B.Fulfill your desires through your own work honestly without exploitation of anybody else.
C. Love for all and hate for none.
D. Be happy and give pleasure to others.
E. Almighty or creaters are not many in number. :
So just as flowers of different colors and creeds live together happily we humans can also do so.
I do not ask anybody to become a Hindu.
Go by your religion and prayers.
All I ask is to adopt one thing Live and Let Live. This is how the World will become more Human and a better place to live.
3 : 🪷 Humanity is above all the religions. humanity is the reason why religions were formed.
See how :
■ In the initial stages we were living just like animals. Then we started growing because of our brain, emotions and thoughts. We desired that we should be better humans. no other animal thinks of being a better dog or sparrow !
On the contrary Due to selfish motives sometimes we become worse than animals also.
■ For both the reasons; there is the need of propagation of humanity.
Different cultures and different religions took up the the job to make people better humans.
So what comes first is clearly evident !
Some religions may excel and some may not Excel in that job.
■ Again there is all possibility that religions may fail in perfection in that job. Amendments become essential in the preaches or customs.
Humanity is the base that could correct their wrongs.
■ Humanity is not an institution, not a group of people but a thought that convert us to be a better human being.
■ So rather than being Supreme religion and fight over that; we should all concentrate on the basic virtue - the humanity.
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