HSV herpes simplex virus case feedback. Patient asked to post.

A patient age 30 arrived at my clinic in Sept 2016. He was suffering from hsv the herpes simplex virus for 4 years with multiple symptoms and gross positive igg. He started treatment and started getting results in 2 months. Now he is all the well. No symptoms and negative antibodies too.
He asked direct posting of photocopy of reports but I erased his and lab's name.
हिंदी में बता दूं कि ये रुग्ण हर्पीस के जो पूरी तरह से तकलीफ़ मुक्त हुए । उनके कहने पर ये रिपोर्ट्स की फोटोकॉपी पोस्ट कर रहा हूँ  । धन्यवाद जी ।

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Dr. Prasad Phatak.


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