Humanity 14 - why to adopt humanity part 2 ?

Benefits of humanity :
Being a better human  is  very beneficial for you and me and all of us. 
1.We are all exploiting each others and that's why everyone is being exoloited. Which is a big dent to progress and happiness to all. If all adopt humanity; all will be beneficiaries.  2.Those who are selfish, exploiters, cruel, power hungry, over powering - may get a lot of  money and power out of there acts but they are never satisfied. They do miss many pleasures of life. They are someday found by the law of their land and get severe punishment. So it is good for them to be generous and good human.
3.I came to know from my wife who is a family relation consultant; and an astroger a jyotishi; Many rich couples are unhappy because both or one of them is selfish or egoistic or overpowering other. They miss a lot of pleasure  in the life. Some of them are sad most of the time. Their children are also affected badly.... If Humanity is accepted and practised well; it would prevent them from such a misery of life. Their lives will fulfill by satisfaction.
4. Live and let live tendency will help support the whole of society and world in general.
5. It may look impractical for many reasons but it is not impossible. I have adopted it and getting enormous pleasure of life without being a sadhu or a saint.


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