Manav jagaran manch [humanity awakening platform]
Thanks friends for your curiosity about MJM
Actually MJM is Manav jagaran manch which was found in late 90s of 20 th century.[1998]
It was aimed at serving to man as it is like serving to God.
We conducted awareness campaign among youth, we had a pamphlet saying 'O man wake up as human being.'
We worked in slum area by running a library for slum children and went into poor peoples houses to awake them saying that they could come together to fight their situation and find solutions on their own.
Mjm also worked in the name of shivanand prabodh mandal a group of around 10 people in the field of yoga and spirituality for almost 4 to 5 years on regular weekly programmes and now working through occasional programmes.
Last year Mjm held a public meeting to awaken people for and to fight against price hike and corruption along with terrorism, which drew a small crowd of 23 people.
This is a small job done by MJM
We believe in awakening rather than just a service. Awakened people of any strata of life or any country could find their own way rather than asking helps from others.
2 Big examples of this thought: Anna Hazare served for people did great job but at last he found that if the system remains like this only then this country will not progress in right direction. So he is trying and public response is also very good all the best Anna.
Kiran Bedi and Arvind Kejriwal were inside the system very highly posted ones so their readings are very important, they found that this system is so corrupt that there is no way out but fight it out first and then do other jobs
Baba Ramdeo in yoga field and Shri shri Ravishankar in the field of spirituality also found that just few people doing yoga and sadhana won't be sufficient. Hence they also did their bit.
So Mjm was one to support these causes as per its capacity.
If we could awake people as a human who does not harm others by body mind and money that is also helpful we feel.
Man will not exploit others for his self and all may enjoy progress and happiness. That is what we are doing through mainly internet and through personal talks.
Anna and Baba also believe that corruption must be combated from higher level because it percolates from that level very fast.
One example:Those in my age will easily remember that our doctor would never ask for blood and stool exams for general illness. I never underwent these check ups in my childhood though I was affected by fevers frequently. Now you see how many times your child is under going many exams for relatively not so serious diseases and almost every time the reports are normal. From 1947 onward one by one systems of general business [non govt ] have turned to be corruption! That has definitely come from above.
So all that we could say is Awake O man as a human being
You can help this cause.
1. By reading all these articles carefully.
2.just by forward or copy paste all these poems and articles to all your friends.
sending text messages of this
3.approaching Mjm for organisation of some more programmes, which we could go for. Today due to lack of manpower we are working through internet only. This could change by your presence.
[ 4. money will be needed only when we go for arrangement of some programmes not now ].
thanks for reading.
awake and do something more.
written by Dr Phatak for Mjm