
Is it a cozy feel to be a father
Nearing 50
Is it great to grow or is it not?
Some feel good some bad
Particularly when?
When called uncle by the youth.
It never gets on my nerves
When a pretty gal calls so
Han yes ya sure
It is a cozy feel to be a father
Not by blood but by heart!
As a friend to many and to all, it was cool thing
But to be a father is cooler.
Friends could be jealous could be sexy
But fathers are not!
Fathers though not most but more pure to their kids
As I will be 100 I hope I will be father of the world
When Mohammad the waiter at Udupi hotel
takes care of my favorite sit and tea
He is a dear like a Son to me
Regardless of religion & state bars.
When Sathe who tops my son’s class leaving him behind in scores
I have same pride as if he were my own one
It is a cozy feel to be a father
My wife at some moment is dear daughter than a wife
Her childish smile is so soothening!
When a girl is burnt for unilateral love
My heart bleeds with her own father
It is a not so cozy feel to be a father
When a beautiful girl crosses
Many times it so happens that
My niece is in front of my eyes.
Fatherly feel is such a love that cares
That it wants the offspring to lead the world
That it wants them to be secured from all evils
It gives and asks little in return
Someone rightly said real love gives and does not ask for
And Osho says sex always asks for
And love is that gives away all
I will be real father I know
When I could see a daughter in a bollywood star
Or a sexy doll on the street
With less of her clothes on her body.
So I said I hope I will be real father of the whole world
At least before I could take my last breath
Yes it is possible as philosophy of my land
Tells me that
I am nothing but the Bramha
The creator of the world
Aham bramhasmi!
-by prasad phatak


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