About being human

Humanity has a vast meaning which has to be differentiated from other similar concepts too. It has got to do with human behavior. We find grossly 2 types of human behaviors good and bad. It may be pure white pure black or gray.
Humanity does not demand everybody to be a great saint with purest form of behavior and to have everybody to be idealistic person. But it asks for such a behavior by a human being that does not harm others, exploits others for his selfish causes. Human acts are those in which a man or a woman will propagate his personal life without nuisance to others’ lives. He or she will be born, learn, work, earn livelihood, eat, drink, reproduce, nurture young ones and eventually die in peace. This will be a course of normal humanity. This basic human life is sufficient for one to be a human being. It does not harm humanity.
It is so simple. So he wants something more. For being a better animal he or she may try to develop society, interact with others, develop a culture, art or a religion and n number of things which will ensure him or her to be a better human being. So this could be called as higher degree of humanity which will play a role of raising him from just diet, sleep and sexual act type of life similar to any other animal.
It may have another dimension added if a person tries to do something for other people or animals or for mother earth. They sacrifice their lives for the society in general. These types of selfless people are called great people or saints. These are much higher types of human beings and are few in number they are hence much respected ones.
The inhuman kind of people are those who harm others for their own benefits. Dacoits, thieves, burglars smugglers are known type of age old persons who are taken care by the law of the lands. But in addition to this due to various reasons the selfishness and greed have increased so much that nobody is bothered about humanity and other issues and is trying to get more by hook or crook. More over corruption has been taken for granted and not seen as a matter of dis respect to concerned person. Greed for power has put man to such a level which is much lower than a beast. As bigger people do is always followed by commons, common man is also going to lowest level for selfish causes. This corruption has reached from politicians to beurocrats to all walks of life doctors teachers are also in corrupt practices. . Yesterday a young boy killed his grandmother for a small amount of money. The same story has taken place earlier also. One person left his old mother near garbage box away from his home and left away. Last year I asked this question on my blog ‘Is humanity on decline today? Many from all parts of the world sadly said ‘yes it is’!!
Female and humanity
Youngsters have been found to kill their girl friends as they refuse to marry them. Parents are killing daughters in their womb and most educated doctors are helping them for that. Domestic violence on wives from all strata of life is on steep rise. Wife beating is common not only in poor but rich and celebrities. Rape is and was common in the society. Mukhtaran mai near Lahor in Pakistan was brutally gang raped by cast panchayat members itself and the Pakistan government tried to suppress the case .Commissioner of police was found in molestation of a 14 year girl and then by the use of power the case was buried for 15 years. Sex related crimes are also on rise and have different modes of operation with the help of technology. Few days back a girl committed suicide as she was secretly filmed by some evils in her bathroom. Greed for sex is causing many types differences in relations and subsequent crimes.
A person who is physically or mentally handicap is always a point of fun for many in the society. People will make fun of him without considering his or her feelings.
Some may say it always happened but was not known due to lack of communication. May be it is true but I will give one example of selflessness in last generation is like this: the elder brothers would take the responsibility of the family to such an extent that many times they themselves would remain unmarried. And in reciprocation they would be never left to feel lonely in their old age. Is any type of sacrifice seen around nowadays for one’s family members? Leave about other unrelated people! One government officer told me that these people [his colleagues] are such a monsters that they will not leave their own father [from taking bribe]! In addition to that if humanity was not on decline, still is it not necessary to go ahead one step in humanitarian grounds when we are trying to progress in many aspects of life?
Religions and humanity
Religions basically have evolved for the betterment of human qualities only. All of them, not this one or that one. And they have done their job in elevating man to be better human beings. But subsequently religions also became seats of selfish people who took undue advantage of ignore devotees and now it has become base of commercial people. More over fights between 2 religions has also disturbed the lives of thousands of people. Followers of some religions trying to invade other ones caused a lot of conflicts. The Semitic war between Islam and Christians in Europe lasted for nearly 300 years. Politically strengthened invasions of Islam caused great unrest in India for last 700 years. Muslim originated terrorism is great challenge till today for this country.. Pseudo secularists or pseudo humanists ignore the violence caused by Muslims here they will not utter a word for Godhra victims or Kashmiri Pandits who lost their lives , and keep on weeping for Gujrat riot victims. This is biased humanism. The protest should have be for both. Mahatma Gandhi was also pseudo secularist of this type he was not sad for deaths of Hindus in communal riots in Naukhali but was so for Muslim Mopalas in Kerala in 1947. He also unnecessarily backed Khilafat movement in Turkastan to appease Indian Muslims in 1920 just after the death of L Tilak. This trend was obviously followed by gen next who trusted the Mahatma.
On the other hand Hindutwawadi people are silently pleased for Gujrat violence and will not be ashamed of attacks on women and children in Gujrat riots. Shivaji maharaj had never allowed molestation of women or children of enemy. Anti Muslimism though not in the constitution of RSS, is a part of hidden thoughts of swayamsevaks.
So by and large religions have caused many damages to humanity all over the world and for centuries together. Actually religions should work together for establishment of humanity and put an end to evil which is the real purpose of the religions. First of all dignitaries and heads of all religions should sit together and finalize strict guidelines for all of them. First of it would be non invasion. There is no need to change one’s religion for him to be a better human being at all. Second one is drafting an agenda to promote humanity rather than age old rituals in religions.
Sometimes we find that religious persons are more selfish than common man. Some of them are indulged in greed for money lust for women and addicted to bad habits like smoking etc. The real preach of religion or God is far away from them they are just performing rituals mechanically. And on the contrary some atheists who do not trust in God are found to be very good human beings. They are selfless doing service to man best example is Baba Amate of Anandvan. It could be better than service to God as above
Casts and humanity
Cast in India were formed for the division of work just like a company does it for proper functioning. But later on it took such a twist that it became a deep seat to hatred among each other. Till today it is so deeply rooted that cast is something that never goes away. Cast related atrocities which are still alive in villages are the worst examples of inhumanity. There is no problem in people of particular cast coming together but they should be aimed at service to humanity and the end to cast related hatred then it will be useful for mankind.
Feminism and humanity
Just like religions and casts have their limitations as far as humanity is concerned, so has feminism. The female is a soft target for villains and have been pray to atrocities but that does not mean all of them are good human beings. Hence they sometimes become point of atrocities others may be other women or their husbands or society in general. In that case feminism is a failure. So along with men women are also liable to learn to be better human beings.
Science and technology with humanity
Science and technology is developing in a tremendous speed ever. It is great achievement. But this knowledge has to be coupled with atmanyan which will inspire man for formation of better human society. Many software engineers are found in terrorism, killing their female friends, using advanced technology for bank robbery, boyfriends using mobiles for malign the image of girls and subsequent blackmailing. So intellectuality or education or technology does not mean to form a better human being. Most intellectuals are becoming most corrupt people now. Thoughts are important for that matter.
Morality and humanity
To drink liquor or have extra marital sex could be immoral. Humanity will ask one question do you harm others after drinking?. If not you may enjoy it. If your partner is not harmed by your outside relation then you may enjoy it. That will not harm humanity if it is well consented by 3 related persona!
How to be better human being then?
When number of inhuman selfish people increase it becomes cause of unrest for others and that creates a disturbed society. If not the religion, not the cast, not the science, not the intellect, not richness, not being female and so on is the essential criteria for humanity then what is to be done for it so that all could live together peacefully? The best way I can see is that everybody who has understood the necessity of it should be strongly determined to be so, monitor his or her every action on his own. ‘By doing this am I harmful to anybody bodily, economically or mentally?’ this would be the first question to be asked to yourself. Then plan out to discard or adapt certain actions or deeds for yourself. Say that if I cannot help others at least I should not harm others. You can go by paths already taken by saints or you can add n number of your own methods to improvise yourself as a better human being.
If number of people taking path of humanity increases, the number of conflicts will decrease to create a peaceful world!!
And everybody of us needs it
Written by - Dr. Prasad Phatak Pune India
To help cause contact Dr Phatak : 919822697288


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