Success in diabetes with Ayurvedic treatment
A report
Here is report of a patient named X who was detected for Diabetes .
Mrs X is a female of 60 years of age married housewife without much of serious illness history.
She developed fatigue and depression in june 2009 hence test was conducted showing higher values of blood suger PP & Fasting 198\122. She did not opt for any immediate antidiabetic treatment which caused increase in BSL to 220\138 along with urine suger++++.
She was taken for immediate ayurvedic treatment. Proper exercise and diet was suggested and strictly obeyed oral medication in packet form and tablet form was induced.
Latest reports are like this PP– 128 Fasting-85 [or can denote as 128\85 urine suger nil.
date 4\8\9 17\9\9 11\6\10
Fasting 122 138 85
PP 198 220 128
Urine suger 4+ nil
Here is report of a patient named X who was detected for Diabetes .
Mrs X is a female of 60 years of age married housewife without much of serious illness history.
She developed fatigue and depression in june 2009 hence test was conducted showing higher values of blood suger PP & Fasting 198\122. She did not opt for any immediate antidiabetic treatment which caused increase in BSL to 220\138 along with urine suger++++.
She was taken for immediate ayurvedic treatment. Proper exercise and diet was suggested and strictly obeyed oral medication in packet form and tablet form was induced.
Latest reports are like this PP– 128 Fasting-85 [or can denote as 128\85 urine suger nil.
date 4\8\9 17\9\9 11\6\10
Fasting 122 138 85
PP 198 220 128
Urine suger 4+ nil