ayurveda treated well for kidney stones, uretric calculus, urine stones, पथरी, treated without operation.

Surgical treatment for kidney costs a lot for this but ayurveda cure is perfect and much  low cost.
A case of urinary or kidney stone treated by ayurvedic treatment successfully.
[ When you get well, please you also comment on this post so that others will be benefitted ]

Patients story : Mrs N D age 25 had pain in abdomen with frequent micturation.. she was under deep trouble due to frequent episodes of this kind. she got very fast result and now has no recurrance of the same episode for months together.
earlier reports:

left upper uretric.calculus 5 mm, 2.5 in PUJ left hydroureteronephrosis. 3mm calc in lower calyx lt kidney
Mr G 55 \ Mr SH 56 [ same stories with USG showing calculus of size 6.9 n 4.3 and hydrouretronephrosis ]
had a strong pain in abdomen near kidney area means from back of abdomen to genitals. He had trouble urinating too. He had 2 stones in urinary track which followed some edema on ureter and kidney also according to sonography. He started with our treatment instead of going to surgery and in few hours he found that urine is passing some turbid material suggesting that the stone might have been crushed and being let out, then the pain subsided to a large extent.
There are many similar stories like this.

Mr M 40 years old patient who had habit to hold urine while roaming about beneath strong sun outside home.
He was suffering from extreme pain in the right kidney region.It was so unbearable that he could not stay at one place for a minute. He had to go for urination frequently with scanty urine sometimes red in color. After which urination totally stopped.
The stone was definitely willing to pass but was stuck somewhere in the tract and troubled for nearly 2 days.
With proper medication and basti the stone passed out through urine within 3 hours. It was single piece without breakage and with ‘thak’ sound in the toilet which was collected by patient. It was as big as tur dal [pulses].
The earlier reports are recorded .
USG abdomen
21, 3. 6 & .5 mm right renal calculi.
The big was 21mm!
The later report was not taken as stone was in hand.
Mrs K 35 suffered from pain in kidney area and used to urinate frequently without good flow and with pain; she was given chandraprabha gokshuradi guggul etc for 7 days and lost her symptoms immidiately. She saw some powder falling through urine.She gets relief and leaves medicines so she revisits me for relief which she gets definitely.
USG first report   in march 13 hydronephroureter 5.7 mm upper uretric calculi rt kidney
In june 13 USG shows   left kidny calculus 4 mm no hydronephroureter middle pole


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