Amalaki In ayurveda
Amalaki in ayurveda
Embelic myrobalan as it is called in English & avala in Marathi is a very important food cum medicinal item suggested by ayurveda for a long.
It is rasayan dravy or you can call it as general tonic. It is rich in vitamin C which does not deplete much after drying it. So dry fruit powder is also effective. Regular intake will increase body power by developing dhatus like muscles nerve tissues and bones. It becomes sex tonic too as it will increase shukrdhatu also. Being nerve tonic will cause better memory. For this purpose chyavanprash avleh is best used.
It is very effective on digestive tract develops appetite, help digestion and is very good anti acid It is best used as antacid you can use it in the form of powder or moravala which is prepared with the help of sugar.
Avala is a best tonic for hair also. It reduces hair loss, stops whitening of hair. It will also stop hair break. Will also increase long thick hair.
It is useful for menorrhagia in women where it is excessive loss of blood during periods.
Embelic myrobalan as it is called in English & avala in Marathi is a very important food cum medicinal item suggested by ayurveda for a long.
It is rasayan dravy or you can call it as general tonic. It is rich in vitamin C which does not deplete much after drying it. So dry fruit powder is also effective. Regular intake will increase body power by developing dhatus like muscles nerve tissues and bones. It becomes sex tonic too as it will increase shukrdhatu also. Being nerve tonic will cause better memory. For this purpose chyavanprash avleh is best used.
It is very effective on digestive tract develops appetite, help digestion and is very good anti acid It is best used as antacid you can use it in the form of powder or moravala which is prepared with the help of sugar.
Avala is a best tonic for hair also. It reduces hair loss, stops whitening of hair. It will also stop hair break. Will also increase long thick hair.
It is useful for menorrhagia in women where it is excessive loss of blood during periods.