Humanity 1 - What is humanity part 1

What is humanity ?

Humanity is nothing but behavior of a good human being.

Humanity is  hard work done for securing happiness to all.

Humanity is thinking about others rather than just being selfish. 

Humanity is not creating nuisance to others, not being reason for unhappiness to others.not creating trouble to others.

It asks for no exploitation of anyone. No suppression  / oppression to weaker sections but on the contrary asks to try to empower them. Be it blacks, dalits, women. It includes Behavior of equality to all.

It denies collective efforts to invade others, imparialism, grabing power and exploitation of subjects.

It denies exploitation, corruption. It denies hitlers and ravans of society.

It backs the punishment to killers of peace and prosperity. Punish invaders and villians of society. And That punishment should be through proper justice system and not random gun or muscle power.

Humanity starts from our own self by correcting our own deeds in direction towards humanity.

Being better human should start from me myself and my family itself and then expanding it to the whole world. 

It includes awkaening of others for the same.

Humanity is love, truth, kindness, prosperity, and peace .

Let us pledge for it now. And determine it to be spread across the world so as to bring happiness to all.



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