digestion problem and necessity of eating correctly

मात्राशी स्यात् - चरक सू. १/३
Eat properly :
Diet is base of many thing in our body. Proper diet and digestion wi create  power and capacity to work, complexion and oja, poshan of proper body dhatus like musckes, blood etc. They are also created out of proper food.
That is why it's important to keep close eye on what we eat and drink everyday.
We should eat in quantity according to our agni who digests our food.
And while calculating quantity of food; we many times miss this - the food intake should be calculated not just of edible food but we should calculate drinks also. So if we say my diet is 2 chapatis, so much vegetables dal and chaval, we should also add khir or milk or chhas tea coffee water etc.
Calculate amount of both foods, know how much you can digest and then finalize your diet.
The agni also is not all the same for you. It changes according to rutu, age etc. Which has to be considered also.
Thanks for reading.
Do it and feed me back
#पाचन की समस्याएं ना आये बेहतर है । #indigestion related diseases are succesfully and seriously treated here.
पर आयेंगी तो हमारे यंहा उसका हल मिलेगा ।
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हजम न होने की  समस्या से आदि #व्याधियां होती है । यंहा उसका शास्त्रोक्त इलाज हम करते है ।

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