control over mind and sense organs is way to fitnees. Ayurveda explains.

Ayurveda stops us from all kind of addictions. Ayurveda teaches us indriy nigrah by nerrating hazards of uncontrolled mind. It says indriy lolupatv causes many diseases. Indriyas means sense organs like tounge, eyes, skin etc. They have natural desires. But Uncontrlled desires cause problems.
We fall prey to our cravings for different attractions like too much of any foods particularly fast foods, oily, spicy foods. All addictive materials { liquor, smoke etc. }. These things are harmfull to firstly stomach then to other organs.
Too much of sex is also impairative to bodies of humans. That desire also needs to be well under controll. Otherwise diseases like STD are on the way to you.
So control is one of the best ways to fitness. Ayurveda has much more detailed class on it but we will stop for now.
Rest we will see later. Thank you.


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