Tridosh siddhant of ayurveda.

Tridosh siddhant of ayurveda.

Ayurveda has described our body as image of the world outside as you can easily understand that all natural elements have been contributory to our body building. If you see around you will understand that there is earth, water, sunlight\heat, wind and sky around us. All these make the body. But the body will not look like a earthen pot which has all these five elements just because there is some reaction taking everyday in our body to transform all these principals in to a particular form.The jivatma is also another element that is not found in earthen pot. when a man and a woman conceives all these elements form an embryo when the jivatma enters and a jiva is formed. With so many actions and reactions it will grow to a full human being. The 5 above said elements take form of 3 doshas in our body and they are called vat pitt and kaf DOSHAS so these are tridoshas. Tridoshas make or break the body; so are very important. Keep them balanced and you will be healthy person. Rest we will see tomorrow.


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