A medical Joke and a serious note

There was a celebrity who turned 100 years old. Some journalists approached him for an interview. After some preliminary questions they asked him the secret of his long life which he answered in details which in short meant that it was regular diet regular exercise and no addictions was the funda.
While he talked about all this stuff the interviewers heard some nasty noises from the inner room. after a lot of deep inquiry he unwillingly told that it was his father who used to consume liqour before late night dinner would be annoyed if he did not get it in time !

A serious note :
All health fundas are based on statistics so every healthy long living individual must not be the follower of medical guide lines and vice a versa.
Sometimes I strongly feel that to obey health rules is good, to get proper medication at time is also very correct way but there is some strong unknown RULE which governs the life & you a common man [ including rulers and doctors ] are just actors of a big drama where entry dialogues and exit are all governed by somebody else.


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