Mary Chrismas

Mary ChrismasI am reading bible these days & find it to be a good document.Particularly Birth stories of Christa & Krishna are quite similar.As devaki was told that she is going to give birth to devine power, Joseph was also told that Mary had not concieved through physical contact but by devine power.So he married her the next day. As king kansa was told that his destroyer is coming up so was Herod the king was told that baby to be king here is taking birth. As krishna took birth in jail, christa in stable. As Krishna was fled to other place by father so was christa. As Kansa killled many children in gokul so did Herod in his kingdomWhat else could be the similarityIt shows that pain of the world at different time is same and the devine solutions too have to fight out for the well being of mankindNeedles to say if you owe to Upanishadas you will accept the fact that no religion is bad in itself, followers may or may not act on it that is the problem.


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