raksha bandhan, rakhi pornima nimitt ek marathi kavita with english translation.
करी बान्धु या पवित्र कन्कण
करी बान्धु या पवित्र कन्कण
आम्ही लेकरे सारी त्याची करु कशाला आप दुजे पण?
करी बान्धु या पवित्र कन्कण ॥
तोडुन गाठी सन्कोचाच्या विशाल सागर होइ आपण
त्या लहरीन्चा त्या लाटान्चा आनन्दी मग होइ कण कण
करी बान्धु या पवित्र कन्कण ॥
कळेल मज जर दानाचे सुख, ओढुन घेणे नको एक क्शण
भगवन्ताच्या पायी केली मी तु पणाची आज बोळवण
करी बान्धु या पवित्र कन्कण
मानवतेच्या कल्याणाचे करी बान्धु या पवित्र कन्कण ॥
Let us be bound holy binding ||
Holy binding for the wellness of humanity and human beings
What are we to get by thinking foul for others?
We are all the offsprings of the almighty why should we discriminate by cast creed and religion?
Let us be bound by holy binding ||
करी बान्धु या पवित्र कन्कण
मानवतेच्या कल्याणाचे करी बान्धु या पवित्र कन्कण ॥
वाइट चिन्तुन दुसर्याचे मग काय मिळे सुख, कसले जीवन?आम्ही लेकरे सारी त्याची करु कशाला आप दुजे पण?
करी बान्धु या पवित्र कन्कण ॥
तोडुन गाठी सन्कोचाच्या विशाल सागर होइ आपण
त्या लहरीन्चा त्या लाटान्चा आनन्दी मग होइ कण कण
करी बान्धु या पवित्र कन्कण ॥
कळेल मज जर दानाचे सुख, ओढुन घेणे नको एक क्शण
भगवन्ताच्या पायी केली मी तु पणाची आज बोळवण
करी बान्धु या पवित्र कन्कण
मानवतेच्या कल्याणाचे करी बान्धु या पवित्र कन्कण ॥
Let us be bound holy binding ||
Holy binding for the wellness of humanity and human beings
What are we to get by thinking foul for others?
We are all the offsprings of the almighty why should we discriminate by cast creed and religion?
Let us be bound by holy binding ||
Let us hasten the knots of small thoughts and dissolve ourselves in the vast sea
So that we enjoy the waves of happiness in it.
Let us be bound holy binding ||
If I can understand the importance of giving why shall I snatch from others ?
At the feet of almighty I surrender my ego.
Let us be bound holy binding ||
Be a Human Being. Do not discriminate. Do not snatch from others. Find Happiness for all through this.
A poem by
So that we enjoy the waves of happiness in it.
Let us be bound holy binding ||
If I can understand the importance of giving why shall I snatch from others ?
At the feet of almighty I surrender my ego.
Let us be bound holy binding ||
Be a Human Being. Do not discriminate. Do not snatch from others. Find Happiness for all through this.
A poem by
- prasad phatak
Let us protect ourselves, our neighbors, our country and the whole of the world from all evils by the grace of Almighty
Let us protect ourselves, our neighbors, our country and the whole of the world from all evils by the grace of Almighty
Happy rakshabandhan 2013\14\15
Awake O young men of all religions in the world. The god, allah, ishwar, tirthankar, buddha or yehowa is everywhere and teaches us all not to hate any person or group of person in the world. Find correct path of your religion which is not for generating beasts but for better human beings.Due to lack of respect towards other religions world is suffering a lot of pain and agony let us forgive and forget all type of past things against other religions and rebuilt faith respect towards other's religion and establish a new world of peace and happiness for all.Thanks
read this post on diabetes too.