Humanity Awakening Forum and one world as told in upanishadas

One world is not the concept of HAF or Manav Jagaran Manch it is thought of upanishadas.
They say the world is one and there is no discrimination in the book of God.
That one world is called ever lasting, real & ever happy ''parabramh'' of which we are all part and parcel.So if you connect to it you will seek ever lasting happiness.
"सर्वं खलु इदम ब्रम्हं"
"ओम सहस्रशिर्शो पुरुष: सहस्राक्शि सहस्रपाद"
If you have any difference of opinion with these thoughts of Hindutwa please refer to Upanishadas.
To be good and to do good to others is all about humanity.
One of my friends died recently at 54 who was  very good in nature but lacked in good earning or smart personality and would always be target of fun makers; it was only HAF who gave him respect and before death he told us that he could secure some confidence in life due to HAF [ or MJM in marathi ] only.
May God rest his soul peacefully. 


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