Humanity Awakening Forum

Join Humanity awakening forum or Manav jagaran manch, Pune India by placing comment on this post.
MJM works for humanity. It tries to awaken people to be better human beings. MJM arranged some programmes in past, conducted yoga shibirs and I personally wrote short stories in Marathi literature for this cause. Inhumanity causes trouble and unhappiness to all so we look forward for happier life for all on the earth through humanity.
All Religions work for humanity itself but may eliminate non religious persons and their conflict [ between 2 religions ] may cause damage the very cause of humanity.
Be a better human being
Man should behave with other man as he expects him or her to behave with you.
All human beings of the planet are one.
are our motos.
By your support and suggestions we can expand this work in many ways.
One world would have been a very difficult idea to digest few years ago but as technology has progressed global village is regularly used phrase so going a step ahead one world is not far away from reach goal. Keeping live all diversities we can respect others be human o all and fetch happiness to life of all.
Inhumanity consists of non respect, greed, exploitation and so on causing unhappiness to all. So be human a better human than yesterday.
I am sure that I can say I am better human being than yesterday and that has been possible only through thoughts in right direction.
Religions of the world are for strengthening humanity and not for increasing fights in the world.While obeying your path never be rude to other religious paths.Hate only hatred.
So rather than becoming spiritual which has ultimate aim to be free from birth and death, I am a Humanist who loves life free from greed and exploitations.
So rather than becoming a hinduist or feminist or backwardist who fight for there true causes,I am a humanist who wants all free men and women of all casts ,gender and religions to live together without injustice to and exploitations of others.
Please see the latest post on this subject quoting great saint swami vivekanand.
Awake O young men of all religions in the world. The god, allah,  ishwar, tirthankar, buddha or yehowa is everywhere and teaches us all not to hate any person or group of person in the world. Find correct path of your religion which is not for generating beasts but for better human beings.


Hindutwa, backward movements,women empowerment , blacks' freedom fights all lye with in the larger set of humanity. They have to fight because they are suppressed & exploited by other groups. But if a hindu or a dalit or black or a women does injustice to others then what about all these movements?. It is the limit of the movement and at that time you have to be on other side, So Humanity is above all.
Hindu or vedic to be precise thoughts are quite vast and teach us to accept the whole world as our own while saying sarvam khalu idam bramham.Dnyaneshwar maharaj asks for well being of the whole world in his prayer called Pasayadan.
But Hindu dharma or religion is not a way of life for the whole world and still there are good human beings in all religions and casts all over the world. They also find good teachings in their religion. If they are good human beings you can not call them Hindus. And if at all you call they are not to going to accept it at all. So Humanity remains above all.
Where I call people of all casts creeds and religions to take their own path and be better human beings.
As you lose humanity you call unhappiness to others and subsequently to you yourself too.
Yesterday I met a patient who gave me a pamphlet by Men's rights association. It says that male are also tortured by female and that is why in the suicides male are 66% and female 34 %. May be there are many reasons for this imbalance. 'But one thing is true that male are also exploited with the help of some laws helping the women.' my lawyer friend in family court said this and quoted many instances for that.
On 21 st march i put a point saying humanity is above all and while supporting hindus,backwards, women or blacks we should not allow them to suppress their counterparts and that is why hindutw, feminism,dalit movement are limited and Humanity is above all.
Manav jagaran manch says do not oppress anybody.In sanskrit we say પાપાય પરપિડનમ \ पापाय परपिडनम.Meaning that you are a sinner if you trouble others.

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