Humanity awakening forum appeals for One world thought

All human beings are one. As a humanist I feel that no Hindus, no women, no blacks, no backwards should be oppressed who have long been so. And to add with this my manavata says no muslims, christians [ or any other religious people ],men,whites, upper cast people should get oppressed by the others too.So big circle of humanity [ & not humanism to be precise ] appeals people of all class and creeds not to oppress others, nor should they exploit others & not to hurt others for your all good or bad reasons of one or many. If your religion teaches good things it is well and good; but if it teaches to hurt, oppress others or asks for forceful conversion then deny it sharply.
. All Religions are good enough for well being their followers, you don't have to force them to your fold.
Oppression are of many types slavery, economical exploitation, forceful conversion, physical harassment, sexual abuse or harassment, emotional exploitation, mass boycott, imposing war on others for expansion of your religion or country borders etc.
This will lead to way of peace and happiness for all we believe.
For being better human being you have to work hard as you do for getting money. It asks for good reading, good thoughts, self control, sacrifice of greed.Your religion may help you in doing this too.


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