A mishap in Pune city and some different thought on mind

There was a very sad mishap yesterday in Pune city in which a public transport bus driver said to be manic drove his bus rashly and killed 9 persons and injured many seriously. WE condole the affected ones and their families.May God give good thoughts and mind to all so that many common people would not be affected without any fault on their side.
Sharif Kutti was a young man who chased the bus and succeeded to stop him to save many lives.
Some say Islam has so and so teachings, it teaches jihad etc. May be this true or false, but one thing is clear from this brave deed of kutti that religions do not decide humanity of a person. Humanity is something that could be found across all religions. I appeal friends from all religions to pick up humanity from Kutti and do not follow wrong teachings of your own religion if any. So that we could form a better world of tomorrow.


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