asthma conditions shwas cases managed by ayurveda at our clinic

It has been found that ayurveda has very good line of treatment for asthma related conditions. I have seen many patients and cured them to different degrees [ being a chronic disease it needs a long standing treatment which is sometimes discontinued by the patient ].
Mr. S W a male patient of 45 suffered from back ache along with cough & thick sticky bulgum, He faced a lot of difficulty in respiration. The cough sometimes used to turn to yellow with a slight fever. He was kept on nasal sprays of astheline for many months. It would aggravated in winters.He began the treatment last year. The line drawn was medicines to help expectoration of cough easily and application of oil and heating pad on his chest. He was better last year. On an episode this year I added a suvarn yukt medicine for shwas and the patient was relieved to much better degree so rather surprised and thankfull while saying he could breath quite well and got his back free of burden after so many years. A 5 years old female child L L was having similar symptoms plus whizing in the chest and was kept on steroid filled spray for about 4 months .She was totally free of the spray after a continuous treatment for 1 month and followed the treatment for next 5 months. [ Only set back was that she had 1\2 fever attacks due to chest infection .We are in hope that we will be able to get rid of it by enhancing immunity. ]The line of treatment was similar only difference being the gold medicine started at earlier level than Mr S W. As I have pursued earlier gold therapy could be much better so as to save hectic panchakarm chikitsa. Both of these were not given any vaman or other panchakarma.
Ayurveda believes that diseases of respiratory track are borne out of mainly vitiation of 2 doshas vat and kaf. Some times vat causes constriction of shwasanalika [ wind pipe ] or it may be obstructed due to kaf dosha. So ayurveda guides to relieve the kaf or constriction which could be well sought by snehan swedan [ external oil application and fomentation ]. Followed by medicines which clear of the way. Ultimately use of tonics specific to respiratory track could be administered to keep the recurrance. Gold, chyavanprash, pimpli [piper longum ] are some good examples.


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