Knee joint pain arthritis managed well by ayurvedic treatment

Knee joint pain of a lady patient of 81 years age well under control
A lady patient Mrs P P of 81 years who lives alone in her house in Pune area suffered from knee joint pain for 10 years before she came to me.
She had osteoarthritis of advanced stage with deformity in both knee joints where they remain in bent situation. She had continuous pain in both joints with a lot of oedema on them. She could not walk even up to rickshaw stand easily and was dependant on her students whom she taught for her livelihood for regular grocery and other chores . She had disturbed sleep due to pains.
It was impossible to conduct panchakarm treatment. So we started with oral medicines along with application of medicated oils which she did on her own. The medicines included vat dosh har meddicine and asthi dhatu poshan dravyas.Some simple exercise is advised and regularly done
After a treatment of about 4 months things have changed a lot, the oedema has disappeared totally, pains are negligible, the sleep is not disturbed due to that. She has added to it by changing sleep habits. She does not watch TV and goes to bed early!
All she wants is to be able to walk easily. I have all the hope she will succeeed as she has a lot of positivity at this age.


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