Appeal for becoming member of 'small group of 11 for humanity'

Swami Ramdas Guru of Ch Shivaji maharaj wrote '11 11 bahu 11 kay 11 kalechi na'
Meaning that'11 11 many 11 what 11 is a secret'
He had formed secret groups of 11 devoted men each to travel around and gather people to inform about misrule of Aurangajeb who was then Mughal king of India in the 17 th century.
These 11 people would inspire people to fight against Mughal rule by helping Shivaji maharaj.
This group helped a lot for the freedom strugle!
So let us now form a small group of 11 on this occasion for humanity for good governance peace and happy world
My appeal for all to be a member of 'small group of 11 for humanity' which will share +ve things with each other and subsequent discussions.
This I hope will lead to a better society of human beings
To participate this group ,just leave a comment here by taking pledge that 'I will work for humanity in my capacity from today'
Some of my friends rightly said this'The world is full of problems and still People, communities, countries and civilizations run on hope'
We add to this :
while working against corruption last year the worst thing I found was people are frustrated on this subject, some say it is not a curable disease and some other accept it while saying it is world wide and very old, so there is no hope of change.
but some have hopes which should be kept burning in their minds
I do not remember whether it is known to you or not : The Jews outside Jerusalem, kept on saying 'next year in Jerusalem' to each other in salutation!this went on for 2000 years till they got their motherland
some of +ve thinkers keep on saying next year in suraj!
Yesterday 3 friends were talking on this subject +ve - ve, mostly -ve, One of them said let us talk only +ve henceforth and spread it to others too! all the best to them.


'I will work for humanity in my capacity from today': Dr Prasad Phatak
Yesterday we had been to a governmental office where we had to wait for a while and due to insufficient services we had to stand in sunny hot place which caused us a lot of thirst. Alas there was no water too. So I decided to buy it from a moving vendor.It costed Rs 15 for which I gave 20 Rs with which he disappeared in the crowd. We in lighter tone said that the change is gone. Then I had to go inside the cabin while my brother waited outside for his turn to go inside. When I came back brother gave me 5 rs. note and said that,' The boy who tried to find me, has given the 5 rs note and he shook hand with me [may be he felt relieved after giving the dues.]In lighter note my uncle said my brother was lucky enough to shake hand with the honest person like him ! Uncle was true while big persona sat inside for undue money, that poor boy who could easily flee with the sum, returned it! This is the honesty that would save nations in future.

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