Anemia ayurvedic treatment, pandu rog खून की कमी उपाय, anaemia treatment and causes according to ayurveda
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Pandu rog or Anemia in Ayurvedic perspective:We have very good herbal home remedies along with some ras aushadhis which contain iron which are natural cure for anaemia or lack of hemoglobin.
I had one Mr A age 18 who lost his hemoglobin to low level whome the root cause being elsewhere I treated with digestive medicines and anti acid ayurvedic medicines and cured very fast.
Many other cases of anemia are corrrected by navayas loh tapyadi loh etc @ our clinic
Thank god
Nidan that is reasons according to ayurveda -Opposite food ie Wrong mixtures in food intake or viruddh ahar is one of the important reasons for anemia. Many times people take foods together which are not supposed to be taken together. Such a mixing causes vitiation of doshas or forms toxins in body. If that becomes part of regular diet for long time .Milk along with banana or any other fruits , fruit salad is considered to be best example. Hot & spicy food coupled with ice cream or milk shakes is also viruddh. Rice salt and milk or fish and milk is also viruddh ann or opposite food. Hot and cold together is also viruddh. So whenever you see this word on my blog, please refer this article. Now a days there is fashion of preparing vegetables with milk or cream as a base which due to salt and sour taste in it is viruddh ann.
Contaminated water is reason for pandu. Drinking water should be pure, if there is no availability of such water one should purify it by boiling it for 20 minutes.
Curds consumption without rules is a reason. You catch up with these rules for ever. Whenever needed, please refer here. Curds should not be used to eat at night time [if it is essential to have it at night it should be taken with sugar or honey or ghee or myrobalan { avala } ]. Curds should not be used half prepared, nor be heated to eat. It should not be consumed in summer or October too.
Edibles with sour taste eg orange, lemon, curds, tomato etc. in excess. Sometimes fermented foods are used in abundance which are sour in taste they may cause pandu. Blood loss due to any reason is a cause. In regular practice women with menohragia meaning excess bleeding in MC period are most prone cases for pandu roga, similarly bleeding in trauma is also a cause, so could be post operative bleeding . Eating soil by children or in childhood, oily food are all reasons of pandu rog. Pregnant women are supplemented with iron, because dietary iron may not be sufficient for both mother and baby and may cause panduta.
Habit to sleep in the afternoon may cause pandu, regular habit of liquor is another one, some people who eat much more salt or salty food like wafers cheese farsan etc. are prone to have pandu roga.
There are many psychological factors that cause pandu as lust, worries, scare, anger, sorrow etc. Loss of balance of mind causes many diseases according to ayurveda, pandu is one of them.
Many times people go out on late night parties where they have spicy food after which they come and sleep which is also causative. Sometimes they have sex after such parties with such a spicy food is also incorrect. Use of sesame, sesame oil in abundance is a causative factor. At makar sankranti festival in India there is custom to eat sesame and jiggery sweat, overdose may trouble him. Excess of food with hot nature like chilli, pickle, etc. are also causative.
You may be surprised to read many of these edibles to be causative but remember excess of it is reason and another thing is that such an excessive eating or wrong doing of these things first causes vitiation of pitt pradhan doshas and then causes pandu roga!
So take care of your lifestyle to avoid panduroga .
I am presenting an intresting case of Anemia elsewhere : A post of 28 June 2012