Heart disease and Ayurveda

Mrs SS had rheumatic heart disease. she was asked to go for an operation as her valves were failing to respond well and she had symptoms like dyspnoea on small exertion means breath shortness.
.She also had pulmonary hypertension too. She was not responding to allopathy medical treatment. We started her medicines related to rheumatism and heart. soon after few months when she underwent another 2D Echo doctor told her not to go for surgery as it was not necessary. reports were much better and her breathing absolutely fine. for some years now she is all well
Mrs PB 81 had been hospitalized for chest pain and severe weakness and breathing problem.
Reports after angeography said
blockage in heart supplying arteries. Ventricle ejection function 45 % |
Occurance of Heart disease is on rise all over the world. Every middle aged person is bothered about this disease in a way or other.But the fact is that it is also affecting at earlier ages too. Reasons being rise in mental pressures, smoking habit, let night outs,wrong eating habits, lack of exercise, upset psychology due to many reasons and so on.
Ayurveda has a lot to do for this. We at Keshav ayurved chikitsalay Director- Dr. Prasad Phatak work on this disease too. We mange it through medicines, masaj, bastikarm { ayurvedic enema }etc.[We have been running free yoga classes also]
Sometimes people are attracted by different agencies for panchakarm and all. But it is a very slippery place. First thing is that 1 st of the 5 karmas being vaman karma where ancient scientist say that it is contra indicatory in heart disease.Only kafaj hrudrog has its place to get vaman karm done. Vataj hrudroga patients may have some side efects of vaman karm. So it is not something that can be done in [costly]packages.
One of my patients who has controlled BP,received a phone call from an ayurvedic panchakarm centre stating that he would get 5 tests for heart done in just 100 rupees and get free advice by a doctor too. Actually just after doing 1 test ECG [ actual cost 100 to 150 Rs only ], he was taken to a doctor saying ECG is not so bad but it is better to under go thorough panchkarm or he will be prone to get some heart disease in near future. Other 4 tests were not done ! On his asking whether he should go for that 35,000 Rs package for it? I asked him back what happened about 4 other tests including 2 D echo and all? So this is how people are being exploited in the market of ayurveda! Ayurveda is right these persons are wrong.
We at Keshava clinic neither deceive a patient nor threaten him. We believe in ashwasan chikitsa which means you should support the patient mentally so that he is prepared to fight a disease on himself.We have not taken cases where life is in danger so far because we feel we do not have license too kill but have it to heal.
We go for gentle masaj of the patient along with enema which is called tail basti for correction of vata which is very important factor in HD Along with it we give medicines which include Bruhat vat chintamani ras [Suvarn yukt ] it is very good to control vat dosh and gives strength to the heart.Vara Guggul for clearance of arteries which are blocked. Arjuna again to strengthen heart and reduce oedema. Laxmivilas ras to improve heart beats and Prabhakar vati for palpitation and mental stability.Yoga is advice or taught personally at a very small renumeration.
Of course this is just a broad outline of the treatment, every patient is different in view of dosh dushti and other factors so treatment may change.
So please be aware of the science and be aware of marketing strategies in cases of heart , it is very delicate like a rose flower!!
In a significant case of heart disease : Mrs T 35 is under my treatment for heart disease which was found after developement of symptoms like dyspnoea on exertion or going upstairs and hammering pain in chest. I treated it as vataj hrudrog and she is now symptom less.
26\11\12 Myocardial damage and; inferior infarct. LVH. |
Thanks foryour trust in keshav ayurvedic clinic for heart ailments.