
Showing posts from June, 2010

Colitis by ayurvedia treatments

A case study of colitis treated by ayurvedic treatment Mr K was an old case of classic colitis for as many as 17 years without any improvement. He had become very weak & pale, would get up at midnight with pain 7 had to defecate to get some relief. He would pass blood with stool sometime resulting in Hb to become just 7.0% on 18\12\07 9.0% on 31\07\09 He improved in all the clinical parameters during this period He was diagnosed & treated as sangrahani.

ayurveda treated well for kidney stones, uretric calculus, urine stones, पथरी, treated without operation.

Surgical treatment for kidney costs a lot for this but ayurveda cure is perfect and much  low cost. A case of urinary or kidney stone treated by ayurvedic treatment successfully. [ When you get well, please you also comment on this post so that others will be benefitted ] Patients story :  Mrs N D age 25 had pain in abdomen with frequent micturation.. she was under deep trouble due to frequent episodes of this kind. she got very fast result and now has no recurrance of the same episode for months together. earlier reports: left upper uretric.calculus 5 mm, 2.5 in PUJ left hydroureteronephrosis. 3mm calc in lower calyx lt kidney Mr G 55 \ Mr SH 56 [ same stories with USG showing calculus of size 6.9 n 4.3   and hydrouretronephrosis ] had a strong pain in abdomen near kidney area means from back of abdomen to genitals. He had trouble urinating too. He had 2 stones in urinary track which followed some edema on ureter and kidney also according to sonography....

Jaundice of small child on ayurvedic treatment

A case study Ma. D male child 9 months old had juvenile jaundice or kavil as it is called in Marathi. He was admitted in a local hospital and diagnosed as liver paranchymal disease. He was not responding to the given treatment and Dr. started to insist on a small operation of liver. Parents were scared as the child was just 9 months old. I entered the hospital as a spy because we were not sure the Dr. will allow ayurvedic physician to examine. General condition of the patient was not good he was drowsy with ballooned up stomach showing small blood vessels on it. We started our packets to improve the condition within 3 days. Dr. left the idea of operation.He was discharged from hospital. The patient recovered fully within a month. Reports: 12-May-08 Hb 8.4 [12.5] bilirubin 14.2 [1]means suggested level is 1 SGPT 329 [40] albumin 3.5 20-May Hb11.1 bilirubin 3.2 SGPT 208 albumin 3.8 liver biopsy 13/5/8: biliary tract disease c_ billary hypoplasia & early...

Success in diabetes with Ayurvedic treatment

A report Here is report of a patient named X who was detected for Diabetes . Mrs X is a female of 60 years of age married housewife without much of serious illness history. She developed fatigue and depression in june 2009 hence test was conducted showing higher values of blood suger PP & Fasting 198\122. She did not opt for any immediate antidiabetic treatment which caused increase in BSL to 220\138 along with urine suger++++. She was taken for immediate ayurvedic treatment. Proper exercise and diet was suggested and strictly obeyed oral medication in packet form and tablet form was induced. Latest reports are like this PP– 128 Fasting-85 [or can denote as 128\85 urine suger nil. date 4\8\9 17\9\9 11\6\10 Fasting 122 138 85 PP 198 220 128 Urine suger 4+ nil

Amalaki In ayurveda

Amalaki in ayurveda Embelic myrobalan as it is called in English & avala in Marathi is a very important food cum medicinal item suggested by ayurveda for a long. It is rasayan dravy or you can call it as general tonic. It is rich in vitamin C which does not deplete much after drying it. So dry fruit powder is also effective. Regular intake will increase body power by developing dhatus like muscles nerve tissues and bones. It becomes sex tonic too as it will increase shukrdhatu also. Being nerve tonic will cause better memory. For this purpose chyavanprash avleh is best used. It is very effective on digestive tract develops appetite, help digestion and is very good anti acid It is best used as antacid you can use it in the form of powder or moravala which is prepared with the help of sugar. Avala is a best tonic for hair also. It reduces hair loss, stops whitening of hair. It will also stop hair break. Will also increase long thick hair. It is useful for menorrhagia in women whe...