Acidity or amlapitta in ayurveda

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Amlapitta or acidity in ayurveda.
Patient feedback first : One doctor who is my patient wrote this to me:
dear sir wish you you a very happy diwali

sorry for replying late to your mail.i was very busy in patients and festival.

i am very satisfied with your treatment.being a doctor i know it is very difficult to treat a autoimmune disease like oral lichen planus .
my quality of life has improved a lot after your treatment

.now i dont have to sit upright whole night to decrease my heart burn due to oesophageal reflux

your medicine has saved me from becoming steroid dependent.

my mouth ulcer are quite without steroid ointment except for one ulcer on tongue that i will show you when i will be in pune
thanks to you and ayurveda for my better life.
As I have already mentioned in earlier post about ulcers I have quoted a case where bleeding ulcer was cured by fully ayurvedic treatment at my clinic.
Amlapitta is very common disease all over the world particularly found in middle aged people.
This being the working or earning class and the condition being prolonged it matters. Its further outburst as ulcer \ perforation is a serious consequence.
Hence it should be taken care of, at earlier stage only.
There are many things mentioned as a causative factor that you can read elsewhere, but main thing that I find to be important is - over eating, eating after any meal, uncontrolled eating, untimely eating have great role to play. It triggers indigestion consequently turning into acidity.
If you have acidity take medicines from proper Dr. or Vaidya & before that go on fasting. Now a days we are not able to do complete fast but we can do1\2 fast where you eat only half of your regular diet the meal at night should be reduced remarkably. at the same time you should go for ayurvedic medicines.Antacides from allopathy are not bad things for temporary relief but they being alkalis if taken in excess;to nutralize this excess alkali, body again pours more acids! [ alkalis and acids are neutralizers for each other. ]
Panchakarma will definitely help but disease can relapse if diet is not taken care of..
Please do not forget that amlapitta is a form of indigestion only it could come up by sweet excess diet too.
It is all my experience may not be found in texts so please Doctors share your opinions and correct me if I am wrong.
 R firstly visited my clinic on may 2013 with severe headache diagnosed and treated for Migrain. He was suffering from the same for 4 years. He is worker in state transport workshop and has to travel a lot by ST. He had earlier visited neurologist with no effect and continued disease for so many years.
     R age 43 visited for other reasons today and told me that he was completely cured by my medicines which he took for just 7 days and he did not have any pain since May 13 !
     He suffered from headache on right side from forehead as much that he could do nothing nor could he sleep at night.Along with that he had acidity, heartburn, burning sensation in the eyes. 
     He is now perfectly all right by the grace of God.
     Another Mrs. K working with telephones pune age 54 who suffered similar pains along with vomitting at night,heartburn total loss of appetite, could not have dinner at night, migrain [ headache ] suffered all for 15 years lost eight upto 7 Kg etc. After a treatment of say 4 months she got perfectly alright and she happy she can dine at night after so many years.
                                                        I have treated many patients on this line successfully. Sometimes they lack in perseverance. 
                                Read story of a Gall bladder stone case which was cured at our clinic by ayurvedic treatment within 1.5 months without operation posted on this blog on 16 th june 2014


Thank God for service I can do to the Mankind
Read story of a Gall bladder stones case which was cured at our clinic by ayurvedic treatment within 1.5 months without operation posted on this blog on 16 th june 2014.
Please stop consuming Tea and coffee if you have acidity and then see the results!
pathy ho to upachar hoga
Many times we find that there is yakrut dushti or liver vitiation in cases of amlapitt and when treated accordingly with the help of Arogyavardhini et al we get more fine results to patients.

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