acidity leading to ulcer in ayurvedic view
Acidity leading to Ulcers
Acidity is a very common problem all over the world It is more common in middle aged persons both male & female.
People have been found to take antacids for years together which gives a symptomatic type of relief to the patients
As the disease has not been treated from root it causes further damage leading to ulcers. But there are certain conditions which can not be titled as full proven ulcers but are troublesome like ulcer only. These conditions are due to erosion of gastric or duodenal mucosa. Such patients do not respond to ayurvdic medicines meant for acidity or amlpitta as it is called there. It needs to be taken as ulcers only.
It is where we at keshava clinic treat it as erosion and not just acidity. So we articulate 4 steps 1.acidity 2.erosion 3.ulcer 4.perforation. All the 4 phases differ in there treatment and have very thin line of differentiation from one to another excluding perforation which needs intensive care.
We find it easy to treat non responding cases of acidity in this way. May be this is fusion of thoughts ayurveda with modern but it works. And we feel modern knowledge used in ayurvedic microscope view is not corruption of thoughts.
I do not detail out the symptoms etc here as it is found in abundance at various websites where you can check it out easily. Here we try to share some practical experiences.
The liquid that helps you digest food has a lot of acid in it. Sometimes these digestive juices get through the protective barrier in your stomach and irritate its lining -- that's called gastritis. It can be brought on by bacteria, regular use of pain relievers like ibuprofen, too much alcohol, or stress. You can treat it with over-the-counter antacid. But if you don’t do anything about it, it can lead to bleeding or stomach ulcers.
: It is a part of article from allopathy medicine.
Now ayurveda take on it : अग्नी मूलं ही शरीरं. Body is totally dependent on the agni which digests all food we eat. The agni maybe overloaded by wrong eating habits; that is why ayurveda has given many smart tips for food habits. They deal with food items as well as the way we eat too. It comes under very special part of ayurveda called swasthavrutta.
Again ayurveda also tells us that agni is very important as it transforms food into tridoshas and rasadi dhatus which are pillars of our very health.
So go through it all. you can find it my book Ahar Ajar And Ayurveda [ akshay prakashan ].
Acidity is a very common problem all over the world It is more common in middle aged persons both male & female.
People have been found to take antacids for years together which gives a symptomatic type of relief to the patients
As the disease has not been treated from root it causes further damage leading to ulcers. But there are certain conditions which can not be titled as full proven ulcers but are troublesome like ulcer only. These conditions are due to erosion of gastric or duodenal mucosa. Such patients do not respond to ayurvdic medicines meant for acidity or amlpitta as it is called there. It needs to be taken as ulcers only.
It is where we at keshava clinic treat it as erosion and not just acidity. So we articulate 4 steps 1.acidity 2.erosion 3.ulcer 4.perforation. All the 4 phases differ in there treatment and have very thin line of differentiation from one to another excluding perforation which needs intensive care.
We find it easy to treat non responding cases of acidity in this way. May be this is fusion of thoughts ayurveda with modern but it works. And we feel modern knowledge used in ayurvedic microscope view is not corruption of thoughts.
I do not detail out the symptoms etc here as it is found in abundance at various websites where you can check it out easily. Here we try to share some practical experiences.
The liquid that helps you digest food has a lot of acid in it. Sometimes these digestive juices get through the protective barrier in your stomach and irritate its lining -- that's called gastritis. It can be brought on by bacteria, regular use of pain relievers like ibuprofen, too much alcohol, or stress. You can treat it with over-the-counter antacid. But if you don’t do anything about it, it can lead to bleeding or stomach ulcers.
: It is a part of article from allopathy medicine.
Now ayurveda take on it : अग्नी मूलं ही शरीरं. Body is totally dependent on the agni which digests all food we eat. The agni maybe overloaded by wrong eating habits; that is why ayurveda has given many smart tips for food habits. They deal with food items as well as the way we eat too. It comes under very special part of ayurveda called swasthavrutta.
Again ayurveda also tells us that agni is very important as it transforms food into tridoshas and rasadi dhatus which are pillars of our very health.
So go through it all. you can find it my book Ahar Ajar And Ayurveda [ akshay prakashan ].