Humanity 7 - Domestic Violence is a Threat to Humanity.

Domestic violence is a big issue in lives of many women across the globe. 
Lo9king at it we feel that where the humanity stands today  become a major question ? That hurts not only body but minds, slows affects their careers. It also has adverse effects on their childrens' psychology; thus shattering lives of the whole family.
Many problematic behaviors and violent actions in adults have their root cause in their childhood experience of such domestic violence. 
World is becoming hell for many due to this issue. Not only poor countries; but also many societies which have progressed economically are hollow from inside due to this behavior of such people.
In such cases we need to request these people - "  At least Live and let live if you can't love enough. 🙏 You can change yourself for sure by strong determination.
That will ease out many lives including that of yours."
   बायकोला मारण्याचे प्रमाण आपल्या समाजात आज देखील खूप मोठे आहे. जो आपल्या बायकोचा होऊ शकत नाही; तो मुलांचाही होऊ शकत नाही.
मग बाकी जगाच्या दृष्टीने तो कोणी ही असला तरी त्याला काहीही अर्थ नाही, त्याचे जिणे हे भूमीला भार आहे.


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