Psoriatic arthritis case results after ayurvedic treatment. and feedback from patient herself.

Mrs. Thakur is suffering from psoriatic arthritis for last 8 years. It is very troublesome disease and bothers patients for years together. She had no remarkable relief inspite of many treatments done. But from march 21 as she started my ayurvedic treatment she got good relief. She had skin eruptions at different places and multiple joint involvement with pain and immobility of joints. She has got excellent results as said by herself in YouTube comments as follows : Truptisinh Thakur 13 hours ago Thank u sir for ur great help to me.. I can see lot of positive changes in my psoriasis issue. Ur medication really helped me. Thank u so much. she is being treated by purely ayurvedic treatment, natural medicines.
​This is a link of the video which I would like to share too. ​ Thanks ms.thakur Thx the great Lordship for helping us do this.​ Psoriatic arthritis is a form of arthritis that affects some people who have psoriasis — a condition that features red patches of skin topped with silvery scales. Most people develop psoriasis first and are later diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, but the joint problems can sometimes begin before skin patches appear. psoriasis means : Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes red, itchy scaly patches, most commonly on the knees, elbows, trunk and scalp. However, psoriatic arthritis is more likely to also cause: Swollen fingers and toes. Psoriatic arthritis can cause a painful, sausage-like swelling of your fingers and toes. You may also develop swelling and deformities in your hands and feet before having significant joint symptoms. Foot pain. Psoriatic arthritis can also cause pain at the points where tendons and ligaments attach to your bones — especially at the back of your heel (Achilles tendinitis) or in the sole of your foot (plantar fasciitis). Lower back pain. Some people develop a condition called spondylitis as a result of psoriatic arthritis. Spondylitis mainly causes inflammation of the joints between the vertebrae of your spine and in the joints between your spine and pelvis (sacroiliitis) ​ Dr. Prasad Phatak Mob: 9822697288. thanks for reading. please read other posts also. share with your family and friends also.


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