fast acting ayurceda

Ayurveda is not a slow acting science of health care. It can act in minutes too. Of course conditions apply. And why should not condition s apply ? Every healthcare has its effects depending upon the condition of the patient.
If you go by allopathy for some chronic illness it will take very long time to cure. Take the example of rheumatic arthritis, kidney failure and so on.. We vaidyas see such patients being treated by allopathy for very long periods without any significant change in scenario. 
If you come for chronic illness it will take time anywhere and vice a versa.
I have many patient histories on my folder where the effects have been done in very small period of time. Be it fever, herpes, cough and cold etc. Many patients say that they get relief within single or 2 dose.
On my blog posts earlier, you might have seen many cases of herpes treated fast.
Here is one latest. Quoting here because the feedback comes from the patient side itself.
He is very old patient and had severe post herpatic neuralgia. Was restless with burning and pain.The treatment had beginning success within 2 days and 7 days after it is quite better now.
Lord is supreme.
Thanks a lot for being with us for such a long time now.
See the said feedback by scrolling my timeline.
Dr. Prasad Phatak 9822697288.


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