Does and donts for hypothyroid

             Good news - Now you can ask for medicines online also. Get the details, pay, give the detailed history about your disease and then medicines will be couriered.

हायपोथाइरोइड या घेन्गा मे आयुर्वेदिक दवा करनेसे बहुत से लाभ हैं हानी तो कुछ भी नही, इसलिये इसे इस्तैमाल करना फायदेमन्द ही होता है । पढीये लोगों के अनुभव इसि ब्लोग के अन्य पोस्ट पे ।

हायपोथारोइड मधे अलोपथीत औशध आहे पण ते कायम घ्यावे लागते व त्याला साइड एफ़ेक्ट्स आहेत म्हणुन आयुर्वेद वापरणे चान्गले.
हायपोथारोइड आयुर्वेदिक उपाय, इलाज, उपचार प्रभावी नैसर्गिक व हर्बल उपाय

Good and Bad for hypothyroid :
  Good :मुग जिरे तुप हळद पुदिना ओवा लसुण काण्दा कोथिम्बिर हिन्ग
  ghee with water
    पुदीना बडिशोप
salad and lemon saindhav

Bad :Eating goitrogenic foods such as rapeseed, cabbage, 
Brussels sprouts, broccoli,
cauliflower, sweet potatoes, maize, lima beans,

 soya and pearl millet should be limited.
These foods contain natural goitrogens, which are chemicals

that cause the enlargement
of the thyroid gland by interfering with thyroid hormone 

synthesis. Cooking is known to make
the goitrogens elements less effective, but it would 

be wise not eat these foods raw.[27]

Good :Foods that contain iodine, such as kelp, beetroot, 
radish, parsley,potatoes, fish  oatmeal and bananas, should be kept in the diet.
Exercises : 

Need to generate hormone on it's own and not by all these
hormonal supplements.

Exercises : Sarvangasana shoulderstand
is the most suitable and effective asana for the thyroid gland.
Halasan, sarvangasan, pavan muktasan, yogamudrasan.

ujjayi, sury \ chandrbhedan
jalandhar bandh.
30 and above min fast walk.

My clinic treats nicely all kind of diseases also { by ayurvedic treatment }


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