Piles treated well by ayurvedic medicines.

         Piles or arsh or mulavyadhi is very difficult disease about which it is difficult to say and bad to tolerate.
              Ayurveda has got very good solution for that.
              In piles there is some protrusion in anal tract which may or may not be seen from anal sphincter. it pains, it creates difficulty in defecation or motion and paradox is that it may be caused due to constipation itself. Other reason may be very hot and spicy food.It itches, there may be per rectal bleeding also.
               Mrs G age 69 had piles for years with all such symptoms had lot trouble in passing stool, lower abdomen would pain and so did low back and lower legs. she was frustrated she called on Keshav Ayurveda Clinic and I started some laxatives along with arshakuthatras and trifala guggul which worked and she is now very fine and has been able to avoid her operation which was eventually advised for her by a surgeon
            Sometimes pile also recur after operation. So be aware and treat with ayurveda as far as possible




Mr Ab 46 who is working with an IT company due to his sedentary lifestyle developed sentinental piles due to some long healed fissure. He had problems in defecation and a lot of pain. After proper treatment with us he is now 80% cured off the disease and needs no regular medicines as of now.

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