Summer Urine troubles. Case treated for urinary infection with ayurveda well. Urine retention And Ayurveda, पेशाब आयुर्वेदा चिकित्सा

                     We many a times observe that urinary troubles enhance in this season of summer. That is principally caused by scorching heat and a lot of sweating causing to less formation of urine and subsequent problems. In such a conditions we can take precaution by wearing cap and goggles which prevent the  heat from entering our body. Second important thing that we 
have to do is we should use small bouts of water to drink frequently. That helps formation of urine well. We can use vala, lemon or kokam drinks also so as to beat the heat and balance the body salts too. Neera is very useful for these conditions. It is liquid oozing from sort of palm trees. Avoid taking tadi or hard liquors for drink.
                        I had a patient 35 years male working in pune; who had burning urine, scanty urine and frequent urination. USG was normal ruling out chance of urinary stones. After examination I diagnosed as urinary infection and advised do's above along with medicines like chandan powder, vala powder, chandrakala ras and godanti bhasm with anantmul powder. Young vaidyas can try this combination and see the results. The patient settled all his symptoms within 4 days now he is all well.
                      Ayurveda has told 13 types of mutraghatas the scanty or no urination! Ayurveda says we should avoid ruksha [ dry ] foods in this season and never avoid urge to urinate. Some times you may find pains in urination and discomfort in lower abdomen. Sometimes I have seen fever is also associated in this disease.
                    Obey Ayurveda and find health on your part of life as ayurveda is not just a science of cure but that of life health and avoidance of diseases. 
                               Thank you lord for curing my patients and keeping me healthy.


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