
Showing posts from December, 2012

Violence against women in 10 countries & Humanity the solution

According to a report 10 top countries including USA UK have bad record of violence against women : Ridiculous on part of human being. Even you might not find such a thing in beasts. If we all decide to be better human beings it will be a different picture.Respect to women, control over sexual desires, equality in genders are few key words in human qualities that are to be administered in our lives so that these types of violence against women will be reduced Ray Of hope: India is the only country where youth are out on roads against it.  Best law and order may check the violence to an extent. Actually speaking that Dr Munde of Parali was much more criminal who did so many female foeticides for years together, than these single moment drunken criminals.Where is Dr Munde ?Is Maharashtra talking about him like delhikars ?   It is not Baba or Anaa or Kejariwal but the Delhi youth itself is a persona which leads and wants change. So surely we will succeed in getting b...

Mary Chrismas

Mary Chrismas I am reading bible these days & find it to be a good document. Particularly Birth stories of Christa & Krishna are quite similar.As devaki was told that she is going to give birth to devine power, Joseph was also told that Mary had not concieved through physical contact but by devine power.So he married her the next day. As king kansa was told that his destroyer is coming up so was Herod the king was told that baby to be king here is taking birth. As krishna took birth in jail, christa in stable. As Krishna was fled to other place by father so was christa. As Kansa killled many children in gokul so did Herod in his kingdom What else could be the similarity It shows that pain of the world at different time is same and the devine solutions too have to fight out for the well being of mankind Needles to say if you owe to Upanishadas you will accept the fact that no religion is bad in itself, followers may or may not act on it that is the problem.

A medical Joke and a serious note

Joke There was a celebrity who turned 100 years old. Some journalists approached him for an interview. After some preliminary questions they asked him the secret of his long life which he answered in details which in short meant that it was regular diet regular exercise and no addictions was the funda. While he talked about all this stuff the interviewers heard some nasty noises from the inner room. after a lot of deep inquiry he unwillingly told that it was his father who used to consume liqour before late night dinner would be annoyed if he did not get it in time ! A serious note : All health fundas are based on statistics so every healthy long living individual must not be the follower of medical guide lines and vice a versa. Sometimes I strongly feel that to obey health rules is good, to get proper medication at time is also very correct way but there is some strong unknown RULE which governs the life & you a common man [ including rulers and doctors ] are ...

Thanks for your response

Thank you friends for being with us. We have more than 10,000 page views and N number of phone calls after reading our blog. It is the God almighty who has done the said work so we thank the God for chosing & giving us the courage to carry out his work. We will try to work and fullfill your expectations to our best capacity. Thank You.

A case of slip disc with low back pain treated well by ayurvedic treatment

A case of slip disc treated well by ayurvedic treatment - 1. At our clinic we treated a case of slip disc successfully by ayurvedic treatment + traction 6 sittings only. A male patient of 35 named L suffered from severe low back ache along with lots of difficulty in movement, stiffness and numbness of right leg .He could not sleep well for an hour and was not able to change position.The test for leg lift was negative [ could not lift leg from bed ]. He was treated with IFT [allopathy heating style treatment ] without any positive result. He underwent  MRI scan MRI : early degenerative changes. Diffuse disc broad based central / left para central protrusion at L4/5 level compromising thecal sac, lateral recesses, exit foramina, left more than right. Mild diffuse disc bulges at L3\4 L5\6 levels. After a treatment including oral medicines, application oil, fomentation with electric bag, 6 sittings of traction, anuvasan basti [ oil enema ] alternate day he recovered ver...