ayurveda slim body smoking and health
It has always been wrongly related that healthy being is slimness,but it is wrong. We come across many slim patients with different type of diseases.
Ayurveda has always said that ati karshy means being very thin is also faulty and suggests bruhan weight gaining medicines to such patients.
I have a patient who is very thin but he used to smoke 10 to 15 ciggarets every day, he has following diseases : high BP, paralysis and now has plaques in femoral artery [ road block of fat in artery in the leg ].
Ayurveda has always said that ati karshy means being very thin is also faulty and suggests bruhan weight gaining medicines to such patients.
I have a patient who is very thin but he used to smoke 10 to 15 ciggarets every day, he has following diseases : high BP, paralysis and now has plaques in femoral artery [ road block of fat in artery in the leg ].
So just being thin is not all sufficient!