
Krishna says that to control your mind, there is need of vairagya. But what is vairagya will be appropriate question in this context.
Actually vairagy means dis interest in all worldly things, all vishayas including dravya dara putradikan that means money wife and children etc.
But how can one expect every common man like you and me to be bairagi of this kind?
Actually we are living in exactly opposite state of environment :
There is a lot of corruption at all levels and all walks of life, every body is trying to get out of others pockets. Not only politicians & govt officers but any and every big or small businessman and servant is doing corruption.Doctors do, advocates do, builders do, small shopkeepers do.
Not only monitory corruption but we see sexual corruption all around including sexual abuse, rape, exploitation. While cheating life partner leads to many crimes like murder too. So this list would not end.
All these things have lead to an unhappy, unsatisfied people.
This all has its roots in greed of a man not just essential greed but excessive greed that has caused all these things.
So what all that we can expect from people is to know that they are not really happy due to this greed and real happiness is within them. And they know who they are : they are just a part of the all pervading all mighty and the whole lot of living and non living things are part of Him, so a kind of oneness which will lead to happy life for all if they leave their excess greed.

Simple to say do not be so greedy prey the God work hard for Him and live a happy life for yourself and all around you.


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