Suvarn or gold therapy in ayurveda

It is very important to know what gold is to ayurveda
A female patient 70 years old has been on my tretment for all complaints & diseases.
She had amoebiasis with bleeding 10 years back when she got well in 1 month. I told her that same episode will take 1.5 months to cure as her age has increased from 60 to 70.
But to the safer side I added gold combination to her packets of medicines.
To surprise of both of us she got well in just 12 days. On her asking I guessed that it must be 'Gold' factor that has worked wonders.
She said its my blessings which I denied saying God is the only one who blesses
Really God has created ayurveda for all under deep pain & grief


Unknown said…
suvarna sut-shekharchya maza chan anubhav aahe.

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