
Showing posts from May, 2010

Antacids in ayurveda

Ayurvedic medicines\ food items that help decrease acidity There are so many food items & medicines that help decrease acidity. Food items –Avala or embelic myrobalan or indian goosberry Avala is main food item to reduce acidity. Inspite being chemically acidic in nature it reduces acidity to a large scale regular intake is necessary for that purpose One can have it in many ways fresh avala, avala syrup,avala candy, moravala, chyavanprash, avala supari are some of its important preparations that could be used. I have seen many patients benefiting from regular intake of 1 teaspoonful moravala every day or at bedtime.Using avala will also help easy passage of stool. Regular latrine is key to eradication of many digestive disorders.

Acidity or amlapitta in ayurveda

Good news - Now you can ask for medicines online also. Get the details, pay, give the detailed history about your disease and then medicines will be couriered. Amlapitta or acidity in ayurveda. Patient feedback first : One doctor who is my patient wrote this to me: dear sir wish you you a very happy diwali sorry for replying late to your mail.i was very busy in patients and festival. i am very satisfied with your treatment.being a doctor i know it is very difficult to treat a autoimmune disease like oral lichen planus . my quality of life has improved a lot after your treatment .now i dont have to sit upright whole night to decrease my heart burn due to oesophageal reflux your medicine has saved me from becoming steroid dependent. my mouth ulcer are quite without steroid ointment except for one ulcer on tongue that i will show you when i will be in pune thanks to you and ayurveda for my better life. As I have already mentioned in earlier post about ulcer...

cucumber in summer

Cucumber May 17, 2010 Ayurveda has described Cucumber which is commonly known as kakadi in marathi & hindi . It is very useful in these summer days. Like gourds it could be planted by seeds. It spread as a creeper. It is available readily in the market in different species, one from maval known as mavali kakadi is more palatable. Cucumber is used as a fruit vegetable in regular diet as salad or sabji but it is more effective when eaten raw. It is very cool in nature It cools your body from inside as well as outside so when you eat one in summer you feel cooool. Another important thing is it helps digestion. It particularly helps digestion of gahu, maka, tur ,mug and some other protinous foods. This digestion is caused by seeds inside it. Due to high percentage of water in it Cucumber helps in free urine flow so is used in patients of urinary infection ...

acidity leading to ulcer in ayurvedic view

Acidity leading to Ulcers Acidity is a very common problem all over the world It is more common in middle aged persons both male & female. People have been found to take antacids for years together which gives a symptomatic type of relief to the patients As the disease has not been treated from root it causes further damage leading to ulcers. But there are certain conditions which can not be titled as full proven ulcers but are troublesome like ulcer only. These conditions are due to erosion of gastric or duodenal mucosa. Such patients do not respond to ayurvdic medicines meant for acidity or amlpitta as it is called there. It needs to be taken as ulcers only. It is where we at keshava clinic treat it as erosion and not just acidity. So we articulate 4 steps 1.acidity 2.erosion 3.ulcer 4.perforation. All the 4 phases differ in there treatment and have very thin line of differentiation from one to another excluding perforation which needs intensive care. We find it easy to tre...

About Keshav Ayurvedic chikitsalay पुणे महाराष्ट्र आयुर्वेदिक क्लीनिक सब व्याधी के लिये 

Keshav Ayurveda chikitsalay This is a chikitsalaya or a clinic run by Dr Prasad Phatak for last 20 years. It is located in heart of the Pune city of India. It offers you all kind of ayurvedic treatment including medicines, panchkarma & masaj but only thing we believe is that patient should not decide his diagnosis & treatment.Because sometimes patient asks for some treatment which may be contradictory to him. Dr. Phatak is experienced in diagnosing different diseases with the help of nadi pariksha as well as question pariksha along with modern diagnostic methods. Keshava clinic has long cured many chronic diseases as well as has given quick relief to various conditions. It has worked in ulcers, amoebiasis, asthama, spondilitis, slip disc, thyroid, diabetes, acidity, piles, fissure, fistulae, arthritis,skin allergies,heat related diseases, BP, renal calculi [urine stones],paralysis,fever,common cold and many other conditions. Ayurveda being full proof science & proved ...

kaccha am

unripe mango kachha am It is very good for the symptoms produced by excessive heat.Like feeling hot, perspiring, weakness etc. When you come back home from hot summer just sip kaccha am ka panha and you will not be affected by the outside heat. If a patient loses appetite , kachha am will mark fast recovery It is good for lack of salivation also achar or pickle has similar effects but long term regular use of it causes acidity


This yam is differant from that yama. Rather this helps keep the other away! As stated earlier yam is first part of yoga. To obey yam you have certain things to do. these are ahinsa saty astey bramhachary aparigraha. First 2 have been picked up by mahatmaji as way of life [and disposed by his discapples!] ahinsa- non violence by action and mind saty-truthfulnes. some have even lost everything for truth.[raja harischandra has been example of mascari now] asteya no stealing. Corruption is also a way of stealing. bramhacharya does not mean no sex but controlled sex with your dharma permitted partner wife\husband. Gay can not be dharma permitted partner aparigraha no gifts to be accepted from anybody