Diabetes and ayurveda

From my blog archieves :
Mrs V was on insuline : dose being 14 and 8 units (  twice a day ) her suger levels were 180\215. After starting ayurvedic treatment at our Keshav Ayurvedic clinic   I reduced it to 10 and 6. Inspite of reduced insuline fresh levels are like this : 121\155.
Mr P had suger 166\257 and urine suger 3+ and he was not confident about ayurvedic treatment but somehow due to results got by his friends he started ayurveda at our clinic with suspicious mind. After a 1.5 months of treatment ( no allopathy medicine consumed at all )  now he has urine suger trace and BSL 145\171.
I belueve in suger check up byballopathic way. It is a good mirror to check up efficacy of ayurveda in this disease.
thank you and thank God
By - Dr. PRASAD Phatak; Pune. 
phone -  9822697288
#diabetes #Ayurveda #suger #disease #treatment #checkup #प्रमेह #आयुर्वेद #चिकीत्सा #शुगर #बिमारी #sweets


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