
Showing posts from July, 2021

hypothyroid high values treated well by ayurvedic medicine at our clinic.reports attached.

See the photographs of reports before and after treatment. Case of hypothyroidism.  Hypothyroid with high values of TSH treated well by ayurvedic medicine at our clinic. Mrs. G visited our clinic last June; with very high value of TSH 17.7 and suffering with many symptoms. She underwent our treatment to find that symotoms have almost disappeared along with TSH levels getting almost to normal range.  Those figures of 5.5 or 5.78 are actually considered to be subclinical.  I treated her fully with ayurvedic thoughts and management. Thanks Mrs. G for your kind co operation. No name disclosed as per protocol though she had permitted to do so. Herbal, natural medicines and ras aushadhi were used. Pathya of ahar vihar was also advised.

burns ayurveda first aid.

*First aid care in a case of burns.* Burns is something that needs *immediate attention*; and generally we get puzzled when somebody is affected by burning some part of body accidentally.                 Here are some tips to treat burns at home. Later you have *approach doctor*.If it covers a big area of body it is matter of concern for sure. Every part of body accounts for 9% of burns [ eg. *1 hand burn is 9% burn* ] and sum total crossing 40 % of body burns also may cause fatality. First off all *pour some water* to burned area. Cut off clothes if sticking at burns site. Then use water rinsing for *20 mins* or so as time permits. Water being shital in nature according to ayurveda its of great use in burns.               Apply *sandle wood* paste it is amazing cooling and healer to burns. One can keep *chandanadi tailam* bootles at home as you keep analgesics or anti pyratic pills at your hand. *All...

हिंगाष्टक आयुर्वेदिक दवा hingashtak very effective ayurvedic medicine.

हम ने आज बोल दिया कि वर्षा ऋतु में अग्नि कम हो जाता है, अम्लता बढ़ जाती है । तो इन दिनोंमें कुछ दवाइयां बहुत उपयुक्त होती है जिसमे है सोंठ, सैंधव और जीरे है जो पाचन कराते ही है और फिर  अग्नि को भी तेज करनेमे तथा जलगत अम्लता को कम करनेमे समर्थ करते है । अम्ल के विरुद्ध होता है - क्षारधर्म जो इनमे होता है ।  इन दिनोंमें आपको चाहिए कि दोपहर के भोजन उपरांत मीठा छास ले उसमे हिंग्वाष्टक डाल के - तो भोजन का पाचन अच्छेसे होगा । छास में रुक्षता का गुण है जो हमारे अंदर वर्षा ऋतु के कारण पैदा होने वाले क्लेद याने आर्द्रता या wet ness को  दूर करनेमे मदद करता है; coupled with above पाचक द्रव्य । इसमे जीरा है जो शीत धर्मी है जो अन्य उष्ण द्रव्य को थोड़ा ठंडक दिलाता है । फिर भी हिंगाष्टक थोड़ा उष्ण रह जाता है जो ऋतु अनुसार ठीक भी है । लेकिन जिन्हें तकलीफ हो वे वैद्य की सलाह जरूर ले । हिंगाष्टक से indigestion, भूख न लगना, diorhea, amoebiasis, पेट मे दर्द होना, पेट भारी होना,  खाने के बाद तुरंत शौच जाने की तकलीफ होना आदि विकारोमे फायदा करता है । वैधानिक इशारा : पित्त प्रकृति, पित्त के व...

वर्षा ऋतु चर्या. how should we behave and eat in monsoon season.

वर्षा ऋतु चर्या भाइयों और बहनों अब वर्षा ऋतु की बेला आन खड़ी है । इच्छा करते है कि अच्छी खासी बारिश हो और धरती सुजलाम सुफलाम हो । इस ऋतु में कैसी चर्या होनी चाहिए - इस बातका मार्गदर्शन आचार्र्योने बहुत पहले ही आयुर्वेद ग्रंथो में कर के रखा है ।  वर्षा ऋतु में दो तीन बातें हो जाती है जल अम्ल स्वभावी बन जाती है - इस कारण अग्नि यानी पाचन शक्ति कम हो जाती है । इसीलिये हमे चाहिये कि भोजन हल्का और सुपाच्य हो । जो चीजे गुरु है यानी मिठाई, तलेली चीजे, फास्ट फूड - जंक फूड इनके सेवन से दूर ही रहे । जल के अमल स्वभाव होने के कारण और दूषित होने के कारण पानी उबाल कर पिये । भूख अच्छे से लगे इसलिये सोंठ जीरा जैसे पदार्थोंसे युक्त सूप का प्रयोग करे । ये सुप सब्जी का हो या मोंग का भी हो सकता है ।  हमे अपने आप को बाहर जाते वक्त भीगे ना इस बात की व्यवस्था रखनी चाहिए । छाता अक्सर साथ रखे । भीगते है तो तुरंत अपने बदन; विशेष कर के बाल सूखा लेने चहिये । बाल में पानी रहता है तो खांसी सर्दी होने की सम्भावना ज्यादा रहती है । भीगते है तो सबसे ज्यादा उपयुक्त  वनस्पति है तुलसी के पत्ते । आप भीगे ना भीग...

keshav ayurvedic clinic

केशव आयुर्वेदिक क्लीनिक पुणे. Keshav Ayurvedic clinic Like page :

severe PHN the pain after herpes relieved fast ayurveda medicine

Pain after nagin or herpes is a very severe problem that we tackle by ayurveda  Today I will share a very important case in which a young man GS who suffered from herpes zoster which is also called visarp or nagin.Initially he had pain near chest and back which eventually turned out to have blisters and yes it was herpes zoster ie. shingles. After some treatment it dried out; but he started to have severe pain in that area.And soon the pain rose up so much that he would fall unconscious for a while; depicting  as if he had siezures means fits. No medicine could give relief or cure for it. and he was admitted to hospital repeatedly 7 times for it. He was also declared to have some psychological problem nothing else.  By watching me online, his father brought him to me and I was firm that he had PHN means post herpatic nuralgia - means pain that rises after herpes . My medicines worked well by the grace of God. With some initial fast relief he recovered fully within 2 weeks...