Diabetes and Ayurveda

India is one of the most affected countries as far as diabetes is concerned. Ayurveda has been very sincere about this from 5000 yeras of its history. It is very important to note that they have been so inspite of lack of modern technology which finds out the mal effects of diabetes on retina [ eye ], kidney,neurons etc.
We find the reasons of diabetes given by ayurveda are very much co ordinance of that given by modern medicines. Ayurveda also gives guidelines for perfect lifestyle to diabetics.
It will be interesting to know that ayurveda scholar of 2500 years ago says about reasons of prameha or diabetes to be among many other : sitting lifestyle, sugercane juice, jaggary. See it was found out so long back when there was no chemistry. 
Another thing is in the treatment of anemia the Vagbhata has given so many iron and iron ore medicines. How come he new about iron as a part of blood or hemoglobin ?
We have quoted results of sugar check up after ayurvedic medication on some other post.

See what charaka who was born much before vagbhata; about reasons of prameha :
आस्यासुखं स्वप्नसुखं दधिनि ग्राम्योदकनुपरस: पयान्सि
meaning that to sit down or slip for long [ sedentary lifestyle ! in todays language ]
milk products and non veg
all of these have been listed today in the reasons of diabetes !

You will be astonished to read the reasons of piles
they are just parallel to nowadays genetics charaka 3 to 5000 years back might be pioneer of genetics in that way 
तत्र बिजं गुदवलीबिजोपतप्तं आयतनं अर्शसां
meaning the affected part of the conceived ovum which particularly gud [ anus \ rectum ] part  of the ovum is the cause of arsh the piles 
and he says it applies to all other sahaj [ hereditary diseases ]
One patient with good control over diabetes by my treatment took the edicines fasting and walked a lot facing a situation like hypoglycemia. Never do this while getting ayurvedic treatment for diabetes.


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