Amavat Ayurveda describes many diseases regarding dosh dushti or vitiation of doshas invovlving joints. Amavat is one very much troublesome among these joint diseases. Not only it is painful but in long term it disables the patient. The difference among other joint ailments and amavat is that it involves ama meaning undigested food which circulates in body through blood. This ama can create many diseases and when in joints it causes amavat. signs and symptoms according to ayurveda: Unlike osteoarthritis which is confined to a particular joint it affects many joints. Lazziness, general body ache, fever, loss of appetite, dis taste, heaviness in the body, pain in joints of neck, back, low back, knee along with oedema in these joints. Joints affected may be one or many. In amavat affected joints keep on changing from one joint to another. ...