Hypothyroid ayurvedic treatment, hypothyroid cure, Hypothyroidism treatment and cure by ayurveda in some cases.हायपोथायरोइड आयुर्वेदिक उपाय या इलाज
Mrs A K is under my treatment for couple of years. she had lot of symptoms and signs of hypothyroid and used to have allopathy tablets 50 mcg 5 days a week and 100 mcg 2 days a week. Now she gets only 25 or 37.5 along with my medicines and the TSH value is absolutely normal. To add with it is another important story; viz signs and symptoms almost negligible. Again this is a long fight to go through. Thanks
And surprisingly no one has written about this accross books and net world
My clinic treats nicely all kind of diseases also { by ayurvedic treatment }
Case 1 :Mrs T from Indonesia [ NRI ]suffered from hypothyroidism and had symptoms like loss of appetite , forgetfulness, weight gain, hair loss & dyspnoea \ difficulty in breathing on little exertion. After check up found to have Hypothyroidism with TSH value 13 and was put on thyrinorm she insisted on my treatment after 2 years of allopathy treatment . I stopped allopathy and gave 2 months of packets. She started it but looking at symptomatic relief I stopped her ayurvedic packets too after 1 month.Then I asked her to check TSH which was found to be just 3.9 and she is totally without symptoms now. Both the medicines are stopped.
If it is ayurvedic it can completly cure the disease rendering the patient to better life without side effects.
Case 2. .I have been able to work successfully on thyroidism without a single drug of allopathy. Patient K a female 45 years with many symptoms of hypothyroidism was treated by me for 1 year.After which she was normal in symptoms and reports also. TSH was 2.28 rather than earlier 6.86.
Earlier I had posted the details of this case with TSH value increased to 6.86 while normal range is up to .35 to 5.5 is now 2.43 which is absolutely normal.
Some may say that the rise in TSH is minimally increased and has no significance according to allopathy science; but my experience is that at such a small rise also patient may get symptoms as listed on this blog elsewhere so needs a treatment.
Patient K TSH value before treatment 6.86 but was on Eltroxin 100 which we reduced gradually and after 1 year of ayurvedic treatment at keshav clinic by me it was 2.28 and continued to be so for next 1 year without any ayurvedic or allopathic medicines. Now he has no disease.1.2 year after discontinuation of my treatment it is now 2.43.
Case 3. Another case M a female age 40. TSH level indicates whether patient has hypothyroid disease or not.It was 45 for mrs M; while normal range is just .35 to 5.5.
She underwent many treatments and was told that it was not at all curable and no one could help her.But now after continuous treatment at keshav ayurvedic by me for 4 months TSH value is just 8.04.
She has coupled my treatment with allopathy; but allopathy alone was totally without results is the point which shows importance of ayurveda.
Case 4 .Mrs S age 63 has also got very good results 3 years back she suffered from symptoms like this :
cold intolerance , hoarseness of voice, muscle stiffness, depression, psychosis, weakness. TSH value was 18.72 she had hypothyroidism.After an ayurvedic treatment at our clinic she shows no symptoms and TSH value 8.72. She never had allopathic treatment. She is also being treated for diabetes here which is under control without allopathy.I pursue her hypothyroid medicines because she is diabetic
In some cases
Untreated hypothyroidism can cause increase in the arterial plaques which cause ischemic heart disease commonly known as heart attack. So now a days thyroid check up has been important in the wake of increasing heart attacks particularly in India.
I have noticed that when TSH level decreases patient goes into hyperthyroidism and his sleep is greatly disturbed. [ A small amount of sleep at night ]
Patients of hypo should avoid ginger and fenugreek [ ardrak and methi ]
Mrs l age 38 had tsh value normal 5 from earlier 10 in spite of reducing her dose of thyronorm to half. She lost all her symptoms during a month. She is on my ayurvedic dose for a month.
Now another case is fully under control without allopathy medicines
One Mrs P 30 years old housewife had puffy face fatigue weight gain with increased TSH.Her throxine was 75 and 50. Now she is on 25 thyroxine along with my medicines. TSH is absolutely normal as 5.5. She lost all her symptoms during my treatment and feels quite fresh unlike earlier situation.
Fourth case who got rid off hypothyroidism no tablets, no ayurveda from last 10 months.
Mrs C 45 had her TSH levels raised to 6.01 and had multiple symptoms of hypothyroidism. She was eager to stop her Eltroxin dose as she had some side effects like heat and acidity. We kick started with ayurveda and stopped totally her pills earlier taken [ Eltroxin 50 ]. within a period of 2 months she got excellent results and we stopped our ayurvedic chikitsa when the TSH level was normal. Since then she has all 3 reports in last 10 months as normal T3 T4 and TSH. Now her TSH is 3.64 which is absolutely normal.
Now Mrs K who had TSH levels 8.87 and some symptoms who started our treatment in 1 Feb 15 is having no allopathy but just our medicines continued with latest TSH level within normal limits which is maintained for last 1 year is now all set to be cured.Now TSH is 4.2 We are looking forward to think of reducing her ayurvedic dose too.she has no symtoms now
I have also observed that female age above 60 show very slow response to my treatment.
Hypothyroid ayurvedic treatment.
hypothyroid ayurvedic medicine, thyroid ayurvedic ilaj, thyroid ayurvedic treatment, remedy, thyroid herbal remedy -
Body and mind relationship was known to ayurveda from ancient times that's why just a pill can't be medicine for disease related to body and mind.
I have found this relation as cause in many different patients of hypothyroidism.
And surprisingly no one has written about this accross books and net world
थायरोइड के लिये आयुर्वेदिक इलाज या उपाय करना ही बेहेतर है. क्युन्की इसके कोइ दुष्परीणाम नही होते है. इसे सदा के लिये लेना भी आवश्यक नही रहता. इससे मनुश्योन्को थकान, वजन बढना, मानसिक दौर्बल्य आदी चिजे होती है. थायरोइड आयुर्वेदिक उपचार हर्बल और परीणाम्कारी होते है.
We have cured some cases and in many other cases they have stopped or decreased allopathy doses due to good results at our clinic.
Thyroid gland disease and thyroid medication side effects are mentioned bellow.
Why to prefer ayurveda for this disease ?
According to allopathy you need to take thyroxine for life which has some side effects on your body. the most important as per allopathy science hey say that long term use of thyroxine may produce osteoporosis which is more dangerous to female after menopause when they lose benefits of estrogen hormons.
Direct quote from other doctors is like this :
There has been concern about long-term use of thyroxine causing bone thinning or osteoporosis. Postmenopausal women on long-term thyroxine therapy are at the highest risk, since they start out with less bone than men and have lost the protective effect of estrogen, but pre menopausal women and men may also lose bone density as well.
In addition to this there maybe multiple side effects like difficulty in breathing,chest pain, decreased urine output, fatigue, heat intolerance, nausea, skin itching, and many more.Hence to lower or eliminate thyroxine is advised by experts.
हायपोथाइरोइड या घेन्गा मे आयुर्वेदिक दवा करनेसे बहुत से लाभ हैं हानी तो कुछ भी नही इसलिये इसे इस्तैमाल करना फायदेमन्द ही होता है । पढीये लोगों के अनुभव भी
हायपोथारोइड मधे अलोपथीत औशध आहे पण ते कायम घ्यावे लागते व त्याला साइड एफ़ेक्ट्स आहेत म्हणुन आयुर्वेद वापरणे चान्गले.
हायपोथारोइड आयुर्वेदिक उपाय, इलाज, उपचार प्रभावी नैसर्गिक व herbal treatment.
हायपोथाइरोइड या घेन्गा मे आयुर्वेदिक दवा करनेसे बहुत से लाभ हैं हानी तो कुछ भी नही इसलिये इसे इस्तैमाल करना फायदेमन्द ही होता है । पढीये लोगों के अनुभव भी
हायपोथारोइड मधे अलोपथीत औशध आहे पण ते कायम घ्यावे लागते व त्याला साइड एफ़ेक्ट्स आहेत म्हणुन आयुर्वेद वापरणे चान्गले.
हायपोथारोइड आयुर्वेदिक उपाय, इलाज, उपचार प्रभावी नैसर्गिक व herbal treatment.
5 hyppthroid in pregnancy -
Feedback from my patient please read.
Myself Anusha Pustake,
I was diagnosed with thyroid in the early stage of pregnancy .My gynaecologist prescribed me with regular dose of thyronorm.But after my pregnancy the thyroid level shot up tremendously which led to uneasiness and difficulty in breathing. We consulted doctor for these symptoms where he said you need to take medication for entire life. While browsing through internet my husband came across Dr.prasad Pathak's blog .We immediately consulted him where in he assured us the complete recovery within six months. We started with his Ayurveda treatment to our surprise thyroid level came down in one month only . After continuing treatment for almost 6 months the thyroid level reached to normal level and it is there since 3 months. Doctor asked us to stop medication looking after latest reports. I am now feeling well . I thank dr.pathank for efforts and correct diagnosis in complete treatment of thyroid.
Patient's feedback :
4. Mrs K N 46 :
had hypothyroid with TSH increased upto 6.9 and was on allopathy treatment which we stopped immediately to start ayurveda and pathya along with exercise. The symptoms were vast viz - depression, dry skin, fall of hair, shoulder stiffness, chest pain, tiredness, cold intolerance, muscular aches and pains, weight gain etc. in - spite of being on allopathy. After treatment of 5 months now she has lost almost all symptoms and TSH level being 4.6 she is quite well.
[ When you get well, please you also comment on this post so that others will be benefited ]
3.Mrs Karve wrote this on my video regarding hypothyroid post
I have been consulting Dr Prasad phatak for HypoThyroid. After taking his medicines for few months, thyroid level is under control. Medicine dosage is reduced and now I do not have those symptoms which I had to go through everyday. I am grateful to the doctor for giving me this releif. One more important point is that daily yoga and exercise is essential along with medicine.
2 Of My patients wrote it on comments in this post you may find it also while scrolling down.Hypothyroid treatment full cure 3 cases
AnonymousJune 21, 2013 at 2:27 AM
My TSH level was 106 when first time I came to know about the hypothyroid onset nearly 3 months before. I started with allopathy till the TSH level was 61 and started ayurvedic treatment when came to know about Dr Phatak. The ayurvedic treatment given by Dr Phatak is giving good results to me. All the symptons are disappeared.
I decided to explore ayurvedic treatment as there is no permanant cure in allopathy and allopathy needs to be taken for entire life. Dr Phatak noted all my symptons such as high blood pressure, constipation, dry skin, hair loss, puffy face etc and started the treatment. Allopathy and ayurvedic both medicines were started together. Allopathy medicine dose is reduced gradually and ayurvedic medicine dose is increased at the same time. I started with 100 mcg allopathy tablet and now it is reduced to 12.5 mcg because of ayurvedic medicine. The treatment is still going on with positive results.
I decided to explore ayurvedic treatment as there is no permanant cure in allopathy and allopathy needs to be taken for entire life. Dr Phatak noted all my symptons such as high blood pressure, constipation, dry skin, hair loss, puffy face etc and started the treatment. Allopathy and ayurvedic both medicines were started together. Allopathy medicine dose is reduced gradually and ayurvedic medicine dose is increased at the same time. I started with 100 mcg allopathy tablet and now it is reduced to 12.5 mcg because of ayurvedic medicine. The treatment is still going on with positive results.
Thanks to doctor and hope that my comments will help other patients.
AnonymousMay 7, 2015 at 11:20 PM
Dr. Pathak's treatment is very helpful to the patients which cures them. He has good knowledge in his ayurvedic subject and is helping human beings to get rid of diseases which are sometimes misleaded by doctors as cannot be cured.
I have consulted him for a deficiency which was said that won't be cured. He prescribed me medicine and it's good effects are working and I have stopped the medicine and its on the cure side.
Thank you very much Doctor.
I have consulted him for a deficiency which was said that won't be cured. He prescribed me medicine and it's good effects are working and I have stopped the medicine and its on the cure side.
Thank you very much Doctor.
My write up now : Most important advantage of getting anti hypothyroid medicines through ayurveda is that in spite of getting thyroid hormones under control by allopathy; there remain some complaints by patients; while ayurvedic medicines control hormones and cure the symptoms too.
Read this post which also has covered cases of cure of thyroid also.
Hypothyroid and ayurveda treatment on youtube
https://www.youtube.com/edit?video_id=_Ehoh_hxmw4&video_referrer=watchMy clinic treats nicely all kind of diseases also { by ayurvedic treatment }
Case 1 :Mrs T from Indonesia [ NRI ]suffered from hypothyroidism and had symptoms like loss of appetite , forgetfulness, weight gain, hair loss & dyspnoea \ difficulty in breathing on little exertion. After check up found to have Hypothyroidism with TSH value 13 and was put on thyrinorm she insisted on my treatment after 2 years of allopathy treatment . I stopped allopathy and gave 2 months of packets. She started it but looking at symptomatic relief I stopped her ayurvedic packets too after 1 month.Then I asked her to check TSH which was found to be just 3.9 and she is totally without symptoms now. Both the medicines are stopped.
If it is ayurvedic it can completly cure the disease rendering the patient to better life without side effects.
Case 2. .I have been able to work successfully on thyroidism without a single drug of allopathy. Patient K a female 45 years with many symptoms of hypothyroidism was treated by me for 1 year.After which she was normal in symptoms and reports also. TSH was 2.28 rather than earlier 6.86.
Earlier I had posted the details of this case with TSH value increased to 6.86 while normal range is up to .35 to 5.5 is now 2.43 which is absolutely normal.
Some may say that the rise in TSH is minimally increased and has no significance according to allopathy science; but my experience is that at such a small rise also patient may get symptoms as listed on this blog elsewhere so needs a treatment.
Patient K TSH value before treatment 6.86 but was on Eltroxin 100 which we reduced gradually and after 1 year of ayurvedic treatment at keshav clinic by me it was 2.28 and continued to be so for next 1 year without any ayurvedic or allopathic medicines. Now he has no disease.1.2 year after discontinuation of my treatment it is now 2.43.
Case 3. Another case M a female age 40. TSH level indicates whether patient has hypothyroid disease or not.It was 45 for mrs M; while normal range is just .35 to 5.5.
She underwent many treatments and was told that it was not at all curable and no one could help her.But now after continuous treatment at keshav ayurvedic by me for 4 months TSH value is just 8.04.
She has coupled my treatment with allopathy; but allopathy alone was totally without results is the point which shows importance of ayurveda.
Case 4 .Mrs S age 63 has also got very good results 3 years back she suffered from symptoms like this :
cold intolerance , hoarseness of voice, muscle stiffness, depression, psychosis, weakness. TSH value was 18.72 she had hypothyroidism.After an ayurvedic treatment at our clinic she shows no symptoms and TSH value 8.72. She never had allopathic treatment. She is also being treated for diabetes here which is under control without allopathy.I pursue her hypothyroid medicines because she is diabetic
In some cases
Untreated hypothyroidism can cause increase in the arterial plaques which cause ischemic heart disease commonly known as heart attack. So now a days thyroid check up has been important in the wake of increasing heart attacks particularly in India.
I have noticed that when TSH level decreases patient goes into hyperthyroidism and his sleep is greatly disturbed. [ A small amount of sleep at night ]
Patients of hypo should avoid ginger and fenugreek [ ardrak and methi ]
Mrs l age 38 had tsh value normal 5 from earlier 10 in spite of reducing her dose of thyronorm to half. She lost all her symptoms during a month. She is on my ayurvedic dose for a month.
Now another case is fully under control without allopathy medicines
One Mrs P 30 years old housewife had puffy face fatigue weight gain with increased TSH.Her throxine was 75 and 50. Now she is on 25 thyroxine along with my medicines. TSH is absolutely normal as 5.5. She lost all her symptoms during my treatment and feels quite fresh unlike earlier situation.
Fourth case who got rid off hypothyroidism no tablets, no ayurveda from last 10 months.
Mrs C 45 had her TSH levels raised to 6.01 and had multiple symptoms of hypothyroidism. She was eager to stop her Eltroxin dose as she had some side effects like heat and acidity. We kick started with ayurveda and stopped totally her pills earlier taken [ Eltroxin 50 ]. within a period of 2 months she got excellent results and we stopped our ayurvedic chikitsa when the TSH level was normal. Since then she has all 3 reports in last 10 months as normal T3 T4 and TSH. Now her TSH is 3.64 which is absolutely normal.
Now Mrs K who had TSH levels 8.87 and some symptoms who started our treatment in 1 Feb 15 is having no allopathy but just our medicines continued with latest TSH level within normal limits which is maintained for last 1 year is now all set to be cured.Now TSH is 4.2 We are looking forward to think of reducing her ayurvedic dose too.she has no symtoms now
I have also observed that female age above 60 show very slow response to my treatment.
Mr HM 55 is on my medicine irregularly but no allopathy medicine for many years now as reports like this :
14\4\10 | 8.6 |
1\2\11 | 7.89 |
10\12\11 | 0.01 |
11\5\12 | 7.15 |
25-Sep | 3.85 |
16\01\2014 | 7.25 |
14/11/2016 | 3.55 |
Katyayini KarveNovember 12, 2016 at 9:56 PM