Jungle raj

Jungle raj

The rules of the jungle had changed from last some years.
The tiger who would go out on hunting for him and for his children when needed, had gone worse than the fox now.
He would go on hunting everyday now and then, right from the morning to evening he would keep on hunting. The piles of dead animals’ bodies reached the roof of his cave. Tiger would count the number every day.
Now the rules of the jungle had changed a lot, the tiger the king of the jungle kept n number of assistants to catch the pray, almost all foxes got job with him along with some monkeys also.
Now the rules of the jungle had changed a lot, the tiger had so much of mutton with him that he had to hire foreign caves to hide it. The foreign caves were so secret that not a single sparrow would enter it to see how much sum is stored out there.
Now the rules of the jungle had changed a lot, tiger would ask for anybodies’ wife for a night and he could not turn him down. And if did so, tiger would eat up the whole family.
The rules of the jungle had changed from last some years. Earlier unless there was any severe drought there would be no animal to die of starvation. But now the poor animals regularly starved, sometimes elders would kill themselves due to lack of ability to feed their young ones.
One day a goat asked the animals to gather near monkey ground to ask the king to bring back the flesh and feed it to the starving little kids of jungle.

The rules of the jungle had changed from last some years. Now there were so many huge decorated caves of king and friends and no shelter to the poor and they would bitterly fight between themselves for a bit of fish to eat or straw of hay to build nests.
So the goat asked for the change. Many animals gathered together to protest and ask for a change in the situation. This was enough for the Tiger and fox to be annoyed They decided a secret plan. When at midnight they attacked them all and increased the pile of flesh.
But it was not all, one day a Singham the lion came forward to fight the situation. Tiger thought it was just a matter of another attack so that foreign caves would be filled with a ransom lot. But the rules of the jungle had changed from last few minutes. After the attack from king, animals from all corners of the jungle roared in such a huge cry that tiger had to come to the knees and was ready to negotiate with the singham.
Rules of the jungle have got a lot to change as yet because the Tiger and the fox are very crucked, they will take every drop of blood of jungle before they die. So the fights are inevitable in time to come.
Be Prepared O animals night owes to the enemy.
- by prasad phatak


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